Sunday, January 31, 2021


I participate in a photo challenge project of facebook.
Each day is a new topic and you can interpret in any way you choose.
Today the challenge was LETTERS
I could put stamps of all the letters I have,
I could put one of my hand made cards I make,
I could add a hand written letter received or sent by me.
Then I remembered......
The letter I found in my Mom's things in my attic.
It was one of my typical days, went into the attic
to get one thing, saw a box with Momma's name on it,
began going through it right there in my attic.
Perhaps a touch of Adult ADD?
Whatever it was, I found this letter in that box...

So today I knew this was the letter I wanted
to use not only for my photo challenge but for my blog entry.
I read the letter again after I post it and
I am once again, touched by the writings of my dear Dad
to his family. In today's World, we think of all the changes
in this year, with the unrest of our Nation, Corona virus,
masks, etc. It scares some, makes others angry,
others have come back to Jesus....
In my Daddy's words I can see him trying to reassure his family
that he is capable of going where he cannot tell them he is going.
Yet, I read the fear in his words as well,
a young man, maybe 21 knowing he is going overseas, to war.
Once again I realize, as different as this year has been to so many of us,
every decade/time have had their fears, things to question
the times. Yes, this year has been so very hard
for so many, yet in words written in the 40's the fear of 
their times comes through.
Not long ago, I read a book about the yellow fever epidemic.
I cannot find this book to save me life right now as I wanted
to read it again to compare it to this Covid year.
But I remember reading how frightened everyone was as people
began dying in mass numbers. How some doctors believed in
their treatments and used them until that said Doctor, 
died having used his own treatments.
Covid had not hit here yet when I read this book but
I remembered thinking how scary that must have been,
whole families passing away while quarantined to their own homes.
Never believing that we would almost be living through
something so similar less than a year later.
So yeah, all these thoughts came from a one word
photo challenge: LETTERS
It is why writing and blogging has to be part of my life.
Can you imagine the things that go through this mind of mine???
Happy Day my friends!


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