Friday, January 29, 2021


I followed up with my Primary Care doctor yesterday
and although still have a touch of pneumonia, I have been
clearance to start getting out there again.
I learned something new yesterday, well a few things,
If you have a hospital stay you have to quarantine 23 days
from the day you were diagnosed. I was diagnosed Jan4th
soooo I am free to start getting out this house.
Yet, Covid don't really care what the doctor says,
I had so many things I wanted to do yesterday but after
my doc. appt. at 11:30 I could not wait to get home and take a nap.
This is going to take longer than I thought.
I set my alarm for 3pm because not only did Rod make a gumbo,
something I had been craving while I was sick,
but I was finally going to get to see my Grand girls.
I have not touched these children or been close to them since before
2021 started. 
I left my house and as I turned into their street I saw a bus in the
back of the street. I timed it so that I would be stopped right in front of 
their house when the bus put them down at their home.
Perfect timing. First Jemma never looked my way, 
saw her Daddy frying fish in his shop for their snack
(yeah fried fish for a snack, lucky girls)
I honked lightly and JoJo saw me and started jumping and
dancing and then Jilly saw my car. 
Her look of confusion told me she was trying to figure out
how I got there, then she is also surprised, 
I finally get to turn in and my three little grandgirls
are in my arms once more. 
I cannot tell you just how good it felt to hold these girls 
in my arms again. They had so much to say, so much to show me,
I did not want to scare them by breaking down and crying.
That part was hard, lol.
OH my sweet girls, they have grown so much.
Jemma singing songs about how she loves her Mumsie.
Jolee telling me about her secret prayer that made me 
and Poppy better.
Jilly and I just catching up on all that has happened.
By 5 pm I was ready to go home as they had homework,
baths, etc.
I left such a happy Mumsie and although I don't believe
i have ever taken my relationships with these girls for
granted, I know they had become even more special to me
now. I am thankful for all the memories we have left to be made.


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