Saturday, January 23, 2021

changes abound us

I want to start with one big statement! 
I, and no other person is in charge with the wisdom
and decisions I make, I have strong views and have
always spoken out on those believes.
If you can tolerate what you live you will not change.
This illness, Frank's illness has made me realize being
afraid of things happening around me I have been tolerated.
So as outspoken as I am, I had been hiding behind my fears of 
what is next for me. I have not doubt, never have, that there is
a higher power and there is so much more to life after this short world.
Yet, I struggled with the transition. The getting from this point to
the next point of life. Yet I know, I KNOW, GOD holds each of us
in the palm of our hands. I do not want to speak of the miracles
of others through all of this without permission but I 
want to share the words of my nine year old grand girl...
As her Daddy, who is her hero, who always seems to know
what they need and comes through for her and her sisters,
was so terrified of the illnesses that were surrounding some
of the peoople he loves so much, as he watched his wife
stand up and be so very strong, she, little Jilly cried
and with all her childhood wisdom said,
"All we have to do is pray"
and she and her sister, Jojo, they prayed,
Jojo made a special prayer and is insistent that prayer
has helped cure us and I believe...I believe.
Then when you get well and you realize the truth
in the statement 
"The Faith of a Mustard seed..." is all we need.
and it makes sense, and little girls tell you they have the answers
because they go this wonderful school that nurtures 
their learning and their faith.
I no longer am afraid of the hereafter.
It is not to say I am selfish and want as much time here with
my family as I can, but I fear nothing because I have God
on my side. When a physician tells you you have been witness
to a miracle, that if you do not kneel down and pray it is time
you should and I will. I have always prayed but I will never
again take for granted the gifts we have been given.
I would like to think I have always tried to be the best
I could and reached out to others but I also know now I have 
fallen short. I am not only peaceful right now but I am at Peace.
I will never ever forget again to thank God for figuring out
there is something I am not finished with yet.
To wake up daily, with the oxygen needed to sustain life,
to see the smiles of my grandgirls on FaceTime,
to know our frank will make his way back to our family.
Life is good and there is nothing, Nothing I shall want......

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