Saturday, January 30, 2021


 What to do when one day gives you two wonderful milestones....
You blog about both of course!
My Godson, Rick Gisclair, who I blogged about a few days
ago reached a goal in his Navy career.
He was made Chief Petty Officer in a beautiful ceremony.

Rick and his beautiful wife, Sarah

Another from Rick's big day
This young man, at the age of 33 not only
has made the Navy his career but made goals
for himself and continues to surpass all even he 
may have believed would come true.
This Chief Petty Officer is a big deal and
although I had the link to watch his pinning ceremony
I could not get signed in. Thankfully his very proud Mom and
Dad not only watched it but taped it.
Another testament to not just Rick and his hard work but
to his Mom, Ali, as well. 
Rick always wanted to be married, to have a good woman
by his side. When Ali and I met Sarah for the first time
as we visited Rick at Virginia Beach we knew that would be
his wife and what a great wife she is!
So proud and love you two sooo much!

2nd Big Happening:
(permission given by Frankie)
To all of our surprises, after talk being that Big Frank
would need inpt. rehab to get his lungs and strength up,
I got a text about 4pm from Kd
"Come visit! We are at Momma's and Daddy is home!"
Did not take me long to get my paints closed and shoes on.
As I drove there, I told myself, "don't cry, say something funny
to break the ice, don't cry, don't cry...."
I saw Kd, Rod and the grand girls as well as a few more
cars were there. I walked in to say to Frank,
"What some people will do for attention"
Broke the ice so "I would not cry"
The Guilbeau's usually gather most Friday nights at
Cathy and Franks. I used to hang out with them on 
Fridays but it had been a while since I had broken
my visiting tradition. It is a thing I plan on reintroducing to my life.
I have never seen Frank so frail but he looked so healthy,
talked a lot and didn't get short of breath, 
I believe getting him home with home health is the best medicine
for him. To have all those girls he loves so much surrounding him.
We spoke of illness, our dreams, how very lucky we are.
Filled him in on things that were happening while he was so sick
and Cathy, finding out for the first time just how sick he was and
just how close she was to loosing him.
I did cry.... on my way home. 
I seem to do a lot of crying lately but it was happy tears.
More than one doctor has said Frank is a miracle,
only 10 percent ever make it off the vent and if they do
not many do so having not had any long term effects from it.
Don't tell me miracles do not exist.
WE have all been changed because of Frank's journey.
It was a great day!

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