Sunday, January 24, 2021


As every day I begin to get better and better,
thoughts and memories that went on before going
to the hospital are coming back to me daily.
This one has a history to be explained so bare with the
long blog.
Although Ali and I went to school together we were not very
close. In the 80's we became very close
as her boyfriend and my husband then were best friends and
we were neighbors. Nothing like having a wonderful person as 
a neighbor to become a life long friend.
She became pregnant, miscarried and then was able to get pregnant
again right away. At the time, I was a young Mother of a two year
old and had one Godchild I adored. I have always taken the
job of God Parent seriously, a job not a title.
So when Ali asked me to be Godmother to her little baby boy
she was carrying, I am not going to lie, I almost told her no.
I just was afraid that because we were not blood related maybe
we would not stay close, I wanted her to know my reasons.
She had a big family, many friends but she wanted me to be
the Godparent to this baby. I prayed about it, a lot....A LOT!!!
..... and I said yes, with all the Will and desire to be in his life
forever. Things were not easy for Ali. She became a single Momma
and I have always said she was a hero of mine, all the things she missed,
holding down three and four jobs just to assure that her little son
would get what he needed. Which meant she missed a lot.
Rick missed nothing, she made sure of it.
I did my best, to bring him to basketball, buy him his shoes as
he was a very talented little basketball player. 
He, like all the bayou kids wanted to play all the sports afforded to
him and I financially helped get those extra things his Mom just
could not always get. He never wanted for anything necessary.
I kept him at the gyms as his Mom ran from gyms, to the next job, etc.
When he was sick at school and needed me I was there.
In any way I could, I tried to be the best Godmother I could be.
Ali told me often how much she appreciated all I did
but honestly I looked at it as being my role as his Godmother.
She never forgot...... NEVER FORGOT!
Our boy grew up, became more to me than I was to him, calling
me all the time, joined the Navy, married to his beautiful Sarah
making a wonderful career for himself and he still has time
to stay in touch with his Nannie.
OKay so now the story. 
Ali found and married the very best man for herself.
Once her little boy was all grown, she finally set her sights
on a life for herself and like all good love stories,
their meet up at a casino in Galliano where her Bryan was
there to build the new Leeville bridge, became love at first site
and it was not long before they married and all those
hard times for Ali, well she was finally able to settle down, relax
and enjoy spoiling the heck out of her lucky hubby. 
An injured chronic handicapped elbow kept her from continuing
to work but this girl, she spoils her Bryan crazy.
For the first time in her life she could be a stay home
"bridge builders wife" as she calls herself.
She still never stops but now it is following her love
wherever his job takes him, making sure when he comes home
he has all he wants and needs.
She spoils me too. I am now the divorced and Ali, never forgets
a birthday, a Christmas, anything. I tell her always I don't need
money, Ali, I don't need gifts Ali, yet she won't stop.
She is one of my biggest customers of my artist business.
Even after telling her numerous times that I no longer want her
to spend money on me, come Christmas here comes a package in
the mail from none other than Ali and Bryan Cook and their pups.
Oh I had seen these gifts before! My sister, C has given many 
and I always hoped to get one one day.
Okay, Ali you got me with this one I put this beautiful 
singing clock, with all its crystal beautiful pieces that move
around to several songs up right away in my
dining room. I would hear it play and loved it.
Then I got sick, the first 6 days of Covid pneumonia, I 
tried to stay home and care for myself. I knew I was not
well but so much was going around so many sick that
I just continued to do the best I could to keep my oxygen up
and my fever down.

There were moments I knew my fever was high and my thoughts and dreams
were not all quite right. I laid there in 103 fever deep breathing, sleeping on 
and off. Then I would hear my beautiful clock. Singing out a song for me
from my dear friend and it reminded me another hour had passed, another
song on my way to recovery.
I cannot really put into the words the reassurance that clock,
the sound of the song, knowing that my Ali was with me 
helped. It reminded me to check my fever, take some meds,
pray, pray. Every hour that clock went off I prayed. It 
was never a bother and not once did I think of shutting it off.
It became my lifeline. It will never be shut off as long as I have it.
Finally on the day I realized I needed to go to the emergency room,
I could no longer do this on my own.
I lay on my sofa awaiting Roddie to pick me up for the
emergency room. I could not get in enough oxygen to get
up from my sofa but the clock played on
 and the song that played on my clock
was the very same song I had been teaching Jillian on my piano
for some time. I was afraid and yet that clock kept me calm
focusing on deep breathing.
So, Ali, Bryan. You needed to know just what an important part
you all played in my recovery even when you had no clue.
Now as I get better daily the clock continues to play
reassuring messages to me and like I said, it will never be
turned down for as each hour it reminds me it is there,
I am also reminded to stop what I am doing and pray.
Pray for all the miracles around me and my loves.
To pray for Thanksgiving, to pray for our Country,
pray for those recovering illnesses, pray for
my cousin who is battling cancer, pray for so many
who has lost loved ones through this pandemic,
whatever comes to mind that hour.
Yes, and I pray for my dear, dear friend Ali and Bryan.
For even without them realizing it, I am better due to
in part of their wonderful gift.

Of course I cannot end the story there as a few days
after I was home there was a big knock on my front door
to see Sloane's florist van. 
Flowers to the cottage, daisies, my favorite, always
the ones Ali send me as well as the boo.
And of course, the card there is from my lifeline friends.
Again not necessary but so Ali.
I carry them with me whatever room I am in.

Thanks for everything my dear friends, 

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