Thursday, January 28, 2021

God and Glory...

This blog has been on my mind for a few weeks now.
It is hard to discuss politics and religion for me.
I have my beliefs and they are ever changing.
Because I own the blog I am able to pretty much
say what is on my mind but I never want anyone to think
I know better than anyone else, that I know more than most.
The fact is, I am a simple girl from a little Louisiana town
who was brought up in the belief of God, who went to 
my neighborhood Catholic church and always loved it.
I raised my children in the same church until we moved to 
Thibodaux. After my divorce, my praying and deep thoughts
never changed but  aside from going to church with the grandgirls
at school, I pretty much stopped going regular.
I love the history of the Mass and I love churches.
My beliefs are not strictly Catholic and I am a firm believer
that there are many roads to Heaven and God loves all
of us whether we pray, don't pray, believe don't believe, he is there.
When Frank began to get better against all odds, we were
told by more than one doctor and nurse, that we had
been witness to a miracle. 
It is that concept that just will not leave me.
How blessed we are.
I want to share a thought I have and again, it is my thought,
I don't know if it is right or wrong but it is mine and it is
what I know.
I was speaking to a friend a few days ago, about how good I was
feeling, how much I have amped up my praying since I 
have been home. She is a beautiful Christian woman always
doing whatever she can to help others.
She made a comment that day,
"I just keep asking God, why don't you just fix this? I
know He can he has the power and yet the pandemic continues,
the hatred surrounding politics...."
I share with her my belief..
I too believe God could fix this pandemic if he thought
that was best, he could give our Country peace but
I also believe that God gave us a mind and the free will to use it.
So many are not turning to God, so many are not trying to find
peace but want to argue their beliefs as being truth.
I share with my friend, I believe God is giving us
a wake up call, showing us what a mess we can make if left
to our own accord. God fixing our issues will not fix the mind
and hearts of us who have all we need to fix things ourselves.
I believe God allows these things to happen so that we can
hopefully open our hearts and eyes to the pain of our World.
He made us so perfect, in his image with the heart and mind
to think. The pandemic has taken us out of a lot of places we once
felt free to enjoy whenever we wanted, one being Church.
How I pray for the day when I can again go to St. John and
sit with my grandgirls at their school church and pray with their
school and classmates.
My final thought, however is this. Church is not just a beautiful building.
As taught as a child and believe in it even more,
"Where two or more or gathered in His hame, there is Church"
We are Church. When I have a conversation with my dear neighbor
about God, we are at Church. 
All our Big Man asks is that we believe, we speak of him,
we pray. Our World will go back to a more normal one
but I pray daily that we never forget the fear of hopelessness
that brought so many of us back to Our God.
It is all He wants. This life is temporary and although
i am no way ready to leave this part of my life yet,
I know an eternal life with God is there for all of us
just for the taking.

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