Tuesday, January 26, 2021

ITS A NEW DAY, IT'S A NEW DAWN.... and I am feeling fine

 Another rainy, beautiful day that I am happy to say,
I woke up to. Yes, every day I wake up it is with a new
energy and mind set to know I am getting better and I am
once again transformed.
Yesterday and today my goal was to make some phone calls,
nothing like some good talking to get those lungs working again.
(diarrhea of the mouth has not been cured, sorry)
I spoke to a few friends, Mrs. Shirley, my dear life saver
of a neighbor, Phylis, and this morning my boo and a dear 
friend Robby. My breath remains short and raspy at times
but my mind, its got a lot to say. lol
Today, I want to focus on yesterday.
I have not driven in over a month, didn't even know
if my car would start, but every day I set
myself a goal, an action, something I have to obtain and 
I go for it. Yesterday was to go to the bank and maybe even
the grocery store. Through my illness, I had my dear
neighbor, and my wonderful hustler and sister wife picking
up things for me and after discharge I was using Rouse's delivery
system, which by the way, was a wonderful thing and I
would encourage anyone who needs grocery help to use it.
Anyway, to be so nervous to sit behind the steering wheel 
of a car was something I had not experienced since I was sixteen.
I felt like that little teenager who just got a license and was
told to go somewhere ALONE. In a moving vehicle.
I think i just sat in my driveway for 20 mins. contemplating
whether I could do it or not. My first stop,
the drive up at the bank. Now y'all know i have to talk to everyone.
The teller, whether interested or not had to hear of 
my first outing in over a month. She seemed to be interested,
but maybe she is just getting good at it. lol
Yet, as i left I told her "I appreciate you"
It's my new mantra. Everyone will know I appreciate them specifically.
I know it makes a difference, I see it in their eyes
as their mouth is covered by masks.
Okay, made the bank, got that done, should I push it,
yeah, Rouse's small store, not crowded, I can do this.
I get my mask on, get a basket to hold on to in case I need it,
and I walk in and my favorite cashier is right there at the first
register, greeting me like the friends we are.
"Where you been??" 
I tell her of my illness and she is praising God for my recovery
and I am smiling behind my mask as well.
I decide I am going to use this as my walk and go down every aisle,
just to look.... I get to the cucumbers, and I stand holding
my basket. I am not weak, I am not hurting, I am not short of breath.
I am overcome with emotion. I am crying. 
Crying right there near the cucumbers where anyone could see
because I am alive and I will be okay and I am at the
freaking grocery store. I have got to get myself together and I do.
the next aisle, the Daddy of the grandgirls best friends.
He is so very happy to see me, we talk about how much 
he and his little girls and family have prayed for
"Mumsie" and "Poppie" as all the grandgirls friends call us.
He speaks of his little girls lighting candles for us all at church
and I didn't cry but I felt it welling it up.
To have been prayed for, have been thought of so much
just gets you under the belt sometimes.
Yes, I did my groceries, checked out with my favorite cashier
and as I left looked her right in the eye and once again repeated
"I appreciate you"
Don't let one day go by without a chance to let another
know you need them. It is a hard world right now.
Love to all.


World According to Tie said...


lilly riera said...

I hope you are blogging! I saw the title World According to Tie and sounded like best name for a blog. share your thoughts my girl!

Brian Mooney said...

Another great read! Thanks for sharing!


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