Friday, January 1, 2021


Each year I choose one word to be my "Mantra"..
This year that word is BE....
Just BE, because lots can be added to that one
powerful word.
It's a new Year, it's a new day....
I am not going to fill my head with 
New Years resolutions that will be over
probably by Jan 30th.
Instead I will keep my hopes to better myself
to myself and keep the mantra, Be
as my goal.
BE Kind
BE giving
BE honest
BE hardworking
Be an artist
Be an author......
I will say her though that I must Be honest with myself.
For my future, what I want for it.
Today I begin a writing a day in hopes that at the
end of this 2021, I will have something to show
the publishing company.
Make this year, 2021 the year you 


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