Monday, December 21, 2020


CHRISTMAS 2020 another gathering with my little family
down for the books.
Each year my children get older it becomes harder to gather as 
all are so busy with their own lives so I appreciate the one day out
of the year that they spend with me all in the tradition of Christmas.
This year was quite different. I did not put up a tree this year.
I just could not see lugging all the Christmas decor out of the attic
just for myself to enjoy and lugging them back up there.
I know does not sound like my normal self, but this year,
it is what it is.
As each year, once they all leave with full bellies and
presents having been given, I begin to
reminisce of Christmas' past.
When Children were younger and hanging with me and
family was the only choices they had or wanted.
The years of Santa Clause and surprised on the tree,
Big family gatherings when they were still big but
small enough that we could still gather.
How I miss all those years.
Yet, as I have said Christmas change, traditions become those
of the grownups that were once our children.
So I compile here a few of Christmas past,
for you all to enjoy and for this Momma/Mumsie/sister/aunt/Nannie
to remember...

Each Christmas was one of my children by the tree, the last
one was a dress up day at school but it would be wise
to say they were over the photo thing.
Roddie's second Christmas at the Collins home that my sister,
Celena and her hubby, Ted had bought by this time.
I am thankful for all those years they continued to family tradition
of gathering at the big house. This was the last Christmas
that we were all siblings together for Christmas.

There were the Christmas' that the Riera's went on vacation/hunting trips.

and this the first with our Katie.

Roddie was not too sure about Santa but he held it together.

One of the many things I am grateful for is the fact that my Momma
got to be a part of Jillys first few years....

... and I remain grateful for all these and newer memories.
It has been a hard year of loss for so many.
My prayers are with all those suffering this year.
A happier New Year is on the horizon....
I feel it!

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