Tuesday, February 1, 2022

She's the oldest...

On the day that Simone spoke to me and C for three hours days 
before she died, one of the things she said was.
This was hysterical to C and I because it is a fact that anytime we are all together I 
do say that. Not because I wanted to embarrass her but because I 
am so proud of the family my parents built.
This weekend The Collins Clan sisters spent a long weekend together
for the first time since Loosing our Taunt.
The circumstances for the gathering were not the best but as always,
we try and make the best out of every situation.
When the arrived in Plaquemine we decided on supper at Walk-Ons.
In our true fashion, we laughed lots and shared memories of times past.
Our waitress, Hannah had a great time with us and as I explained
to her our reason for the celebration in true "lil fashion"
"We are all sisters, first time we get together since our oldest sister died"
I then look to my left and was about to say,
"She is the oldest..."
And there was my sister Veronica. Not our Taunt mone,
I realized yet another aspect of the great loss we all have shared
loosing our sister. I will never be able to say my Motto in reference to 
Simone again. I also realized that when I turned to the left,
my oldest living sister was the one sitting next to me.
... and I got teary eyed and choked up.
For all the gatherings Covid took from us, 
for the fact that because Taunt was 23 years older than me,
that age difference made her frail and unable to travel with us.
For the fact that we are all getting older and one by one, it will be one less
each time we loose another.
Growing older would not be so hard if we didn't have to face the facts
that the times we have together are getting shorter.
So we make a pact right there with drinks in our hands,
we will do this every quarter at least.
That the Collins Clan is important and must continue.
That when it is each of our times to say goodbye to life as we know it,
the others will be at our sided to help us make the transition to the
next phase of existence where we choose to believe our sister and
our parents will be waiting for us, along with the other siblings we
did not get to know as part of us.
Life, its a funny thing but it's temporary and as I have heard 
many times, we are all dying every day.
Enjoy the moments, Covid cannot take away the love.
Make amends if necessary and be a part of your siblings lives.
Put said past hurts and love them for time will break us apart 
but we shall always be united.

(last time we gathered together to visit our Taunt Mone, July2021)
(Seeing our sister all together for first time after Covid, to hug her, touch her)

(Our first outing as the Collins Clan Sisters after loosing our Mone)

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