Friday, February 4, 2022

Smith Memorial

If you have ever went to Grand Isle prior to Katrina you would have passed
Right in front of Smith. Memorial. 
It was located in lower Golden Meadow on the bayou side  
If you were from our Bayou Lafourche, you also knew Noonie Smith. 
She owned this smallest Chapel as well as the Novelty store across The street. 
Noonie was one of a kind with the best giggle ever. 
If you visited her Novelty store she knew you and you knew her. 
She was a stranger to no one.
Yet for as happy and joyful as she was she also knew 
The difficulty of loosing a child as she lost two 
When they were very young. 
This was her reasoning behind Smith’s Memorial. 
Although her little boys were not buried here they had
Crosses on each side of the little church. 
It became a prominent spot for those who were passing through to Grand Isle. 
Many would enter into the four pew Chapel to pray, 
Add their prayer intentions to the prayer book 
Or leave a statue in thanks for answered prayers.
A few weeks before the storm that took this landmark from us,
I rode down there to take photos. 
Roddie always loved this little place and had the photo 
Made into poster size and has it hanging in his home now. 
I have also always favored this sacred little place and knew one day
I would paint it. This week I was able to do that. 
8x10 originals $60
8x10 PRINTS $25
5x7PRINT $15

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