Thursday, March 3, 2022


This girl right here, my great niece, she is a hero!
Yes people have babies every day and every one is special but this girl...
This boy?? Well they deserve a little bit more praise.
You see these two people, they fell in love in high school.
When she was a senior and he a Junior, they found out they were going
to have a baby. For most teenagers, this would have been 
a hard thing and I am sure it was for them.
Yet, they made a decision back then.
To figure out how to give this little baby the best life possible,
even better than their own. 
Both finished high school all the while working.
When they had their sweet baby girl three years ago,
it was not easy but with a lot of back and forth and hard work,
they found their way. 
I have watched this little momma with her little girl and
the patience she has shown her, the love....
I have watched this little Daddy show his little girl all the finer
things in his life like hunting and fishing, well
whatever he is doing, she is there.
They were able to buy their first home, cars and still
find a way to love their little family.
Then pregnant again, planned.
Yet they didn't plan for twins! 
Their baby girl from day one, said it was two brothers.
They were still surprised when the ultrasound proved it.
Then my little niece, well she did something that has
made my heart even softer for her.
Never in the last 9 months did I hear this girl complain about this pregnancy.
From day one she was tickled with the idea of having twins
and when she found out it was twin boys she knew she was in love yet again.
Never once did I hear her complain about pregnancy issues,
although I am sure their Daddy did.
Each time we spoke or I saw a post about them, it was positive.
When the future was discussed and doctors shared that
multiple births were hard to carry and she may go early and the
brothers may have to be in the NICU for some time,
she was determined to carry these babies as far as she could so she
did not have to go home without her little ones.
That she did, when she was threatening to deliver early, she went to
bed and stayed there. Their Daddy, worked long hours but still
came home and did Momma and Daddy duties so that they
could give these boys the best chance possible.
Even when the doctors said it was safe to deliver, she still let the babies
decide when they would come knowing this is what was best for them.
When, one a day that would have been so cool to deliver, 2/22/22,
she held on, letting them deciding on their birthdays.
Though the extra weight to her body, the enormous size of carrying twins,
she saw only positive, often seen posting about how miraculous a woman's body is.
Yesterday March 2, is the twins birthday.
She so wanted to deliver vaginally as many twins must be C-sections,
those babies turned their little heads down and she gave birth to 
both of them just the way she planned with their Daddy right near her
supporting, encouraging his babies' momma.
I am just beaming with pride for this couple and their beautiful family.
 I want to send them words of advice from their Aunt Lil:
You two, have a lot to be proud of,
two of them being yourselves.
The World, it can be hard on a young couple,
Time will have you forget all the special feelings and times
through the last 9 months, do not let that happen.
Plan that wedding you guys have waited for,
make it a bond that will not be broken.
When marriage gets tough, look into the eyes of those three children
and remember the promises you two made to them when 
you brought them into this world.
Don't let anyone or anything come between your little family.
When things get hard, and it will, turn to each other, not anyone else.
Don't let outside influences break you little family.
No one will ever love your children like you two do.
They were given this little family by you two and
they deserve to have it a unit, take divorce and separation out of your vocabulary.
When you are wrong, admit it, When you are right shut up....
I love you five and although I may not be in your lives daily,
I am always cheering from the sidelines and never far away if
you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on...
or Aunt Lil advice....
I am in awe of you two!


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