Friday, March 25, 2022

Her life...

A few weeks ago one of the grandgirls was learning about 
the difference between fact and opinion.
I would give her many situations and she would let me
know what she thought it was, fact or opinion.
Which brings me to the post.
I have thought long and hard about this blog entry,
Knowing I may get back lash for my opinion here
wondering how many people will agree this is fact.
My reason for hesitating brings me back to the height
of Covid days,  and "Black lives Matter" era.
When people would try and convince me that their 
opinion was fact, my only answer was 
"All lives matter"
and I was condemned for that. 
I could not understand how they were preaching Black lives Matter
when they were pro-choice and killing a baby was okay
through abortion. I know abortion has taken many babies,
black, white, Red, brown....
all colors but were they saying only the black lives mattered?
Many tried to make me believe this was a fact.
Yet I continued my belief that all lives matter,
my opinion, of course... it takes many to make the world go round.
Then the whole Black Lives Matter died down
because, I believe many who went into it with a strong support
found the organization that was founded through this belief
was found to be corrupt and helped very few black people.
Now I am known for wearing rose colored glasses...
I just can't at my time in life worry too much about things of this 
nature as it makes me unsettled and my mind and heart just
can't let it go.
I rarely watch the news, i just have a better day if I don't know 
what is going on out there.
Then this happened...

This beautiful soul who loved her life, loved NOLA
loved Mardi Gras who had worked her whole adult life
well past the time most adults work and was looking forward to retirement.
She was looking forward to spending time with her husband and family.
Was doing nothing wrong, when she was killed so that 
four teenagers could enjoy a joy ride in her car...
and this sparked something in me that has laid dormant for a while now.
The whole black lives matter thing would not leave me...
It does not matter what culture the children were, it matters that....
And that the whole belief that until we agree that black lives matter,
no lives will matter. I beg to disagree..
Let turn that sentence around, 
Until all lives matter, black lives won't matter.
I tried to let this one sit with me staying silent,
but Her life mattered, the children who committed the crime?
Their lives mattered and now they and their families lives have also been ruined.
All for a short ride in this woman's car.
If I know this woman at all, from what I have read about her,
she would not be praying for herself, but for the souls of the teens.
One final and important thought.
I am told that the parents of these teens are the ones who turned in their children.
The one bright spot in the story, as if you have ever kissed your children
good night, You know how hard this was.
When Brian Laundry's parents have covered for their son.
these parents did the right thing.
They understand that her life mattered.


1 comment:

Sherry Peavy said...

You are right in all you are saying. Thank you for voicing this


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