Friday, March 11, 2022

You just never know....

 A few days ago, a friend and I were talking
and he mentioned that while in line at Walmart,
and older couple before him was checking out and
he decided to put his debit card in and pay for their groceries.
They were shocked, did not know how to thank him.
We also talked about how we don't do these things for 
recognition nor a pat on the back, but it does make us feel good
to know we have done something for our fellow man.
I also added that sometimes, when others see this happen,
they want to pay it forward, to do something for others
so in that way, it's not always a bad thing.
Which brings me to something that transpired yesterday.
First, let me give you the back story...
When you have a beautician who has been in your life for over 18 years
and you just love her, you will travel an hour to continue to see her, visit with her,
when it's time for hair mechanics.
Nikki and I have formed a strong bond and I can't tell you all the
things we have talked about over the past 18 years.
Her pregnancies, building of her house, her brothers wedding...
Just a lot of things, all in a beauty shop.
So a few months ago, when she told me her Mother was battling cancer
I immediately felt she and her Family's pain.
I asked for her Mom's address to send a card.
If you know me, you know I am a firm believer in sending snail mail.
I love sending and receiving letters and cards in the mail.
I followed through and sent her Mom and Dad a card.
I just wanted them to know that I was a cancer survivor from a long time ago
and that they would overcome this and it would make them stronger.
Then I just kept sending them along with small gifts here and there.
I have never met her but felt like I knew her.
When I received a Thank You card from her, it made my day!
I did not do this for recognition, fame, not for reward,
I did it because I wanted them to know that I was thinking of them all
during this trying time.
Which brings me back to yesterday, it was time for a haircut
and Nikki put me first thing in the morning.
We visited and talked about her family and her Mom and Dad.
I caught her up on the happenings of my own family and life.
Then when I came to the counter to pay,
I was shocked when she said,
"And your haircut is taken care of today"
"What? No Nikki"
"Yes my Mom and Dad took care of it"
I got choked up, Verklempte, GRo-Cud whatever you call it.
"Please let me at least leave you a tip"
"Nope they took care of that too!"
I hugged her and was just speechless, that does not happen often, me being speechless...
I didn't want to accept it at first, because as I started this blog,
I did not do it to get any recognition and then I decided to take my own advice,
Accept it as these people are not only appreciative for the small act of kindness
but they are paying it forward, being a disciple themselves.
While relaying the story back to my friend,
I cried and I want them to know....
they made my day!

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