Monday, March 14, 2022

Jolee spotlight...

Our Jolee made her first communion yesterday
and was breathtakingly beautiful.
Out of all the grandgirls, she is the shiest but loves her some friends.
While the other two are apt to talk and hug those they know,
JoJo is more reserved and always sweet.
She can defend herself if she has to, but often just doesn't think its that important.
 She is mostly mild mannered but she can put up a good temper tantrum if need be.
You don't see it often, but she is a typical 7 year old most often.
Oh but her heart, her heart is so big, even in that tiny body.
The girl is always eating and loves her a good snack.
Yesterday we made it special for her and she was so very proud of herself
as we all were. 
Coming back down the aisle with the biggest smile on her face 
took me to place hard to explain,
With Jemma singing out of the missal on one side of me
 and Jillian on the other, so excited that it was her birthday
but knowing this was not her moment,
I was overcome with emotion.
I could not stop crying.
Thinking of the day these three may walk down that same aisle
if they choose, praying I am there to witness it.
Looking at their Daddy, my own little boy
and being thankful when all the childhood oncologist said I would never have children.
My beautiful daughter in law, her parents there also,
what my life would be like without them in it.
Sad that one little girl who should have been walking down the same aisle
was watching from somewhere else.
Just lots of emotions.
I have missed going to church and
thought there that I need to start going back and bringing 
these rug rats with me. 
I have missed doing mass with them at St. John and forgot
just how peaceful the Mass is and all the hugging, loving and bonding
that goes on there.
After we all met at the restaurant and in true Jolee fashion,
she walked in with her sister birthday present,
something she treasured wrapped in her own way.
She is giving and understands that its her day but its also her sisters birthday.
Later at Jilly's softball game I watch her playing with her friends
surrounding her. Jolee gets along with anyone, well except Jemma lol.
As we watch her sister softball team,
I hear a laugh, a deep, belting laugh from the bottom of the heart.
Her Dad and I giggle, as we know that is our Jolee.
She loves her life and is enjoying it.
I love you Jolee Claire....FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.


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