Monday, March 28, 2022

Miracles are everywhere.

 Some doubt that there is truth in the concept of miracles,

some even doubt if miracles ever happened back in the "day".

Others believe that small miracles are just coincidences....

Then my nieghbor/friend posted this:




...and I though wow, this family should know...

as they are part of a true life miracle that cannot be denied.

This brings me to the story of Rhonda and Brett Harrel.

Approximately 7 months ago, on one of those early mornings 

that I could not sleep, I noticed red flashing lights at 2 am

and went outside to see what was going on.

"Did you call 911?" the responder asked.

Not me and he gave me the house number of the Harrel's 

and I directed them there. I right away texted them to see if they

needed anything. 

"Brett fell and can't seem to get up" 

Brett had been having back pains and just thought is was that, back pains.

Later in the day, I checked on them and the news just kept getting worst.

He was diagnosed with a shattered vertebra and would need surgery that day.

He seemed to be paralyzed and only after the surgery would they know his fate.

Then the fracture was found to be caused by a cancerous tumor on his spine.

Then became the ICU, surgeons, oncologist, things were just not 

looking very good at that time. 

... and our little town, their friends and family?

Well we all began praying and thinking about them, 

all wanting to know the latest updates but not wanting to bother

them in their private moments.

Surgery seemed to be a success yet the paralysis continued.

He was moved to rehab to begin the long healing process and

waiting to see his prognosis from biopsies, when 

he had a heart attack and was back in ICU within days.

Their circle? Continued to pray, made Go Fund ME accounts,

sold t-shirts, anything to help this family out, anything in our reach.

Meals were sent, bought and served.

After many weeks in the hospital including hard work on his part

and loving dedication from his wife, he was scheduled to come home.

Within days we all gathered in their yard to get it ready for his arrival.

A ramp was made, paint was added to their door, 

gardening was done, lunch was cooked, a day in beautiful weather

all for the love of our neigbbor and friend.

Brett came home, began Chemo, continued rehab and Rhonda?

Well she kept doing everything she had to do to give him the best outcome.

Last week was the first time I actually was able to speak to Brett at his home.

I shared that he is a true miracle to us all, a true testament to all of us, he agreed.

Then Rhonda posted the above statement and I realized just how true it was.

The latest news on Brett is that he can now walk with a cane 40% of the time

and wheelchair the rest. The oncologist has stopped his chemo and there

seems no need at this time for a bone marrow transplant.

I am a nurse, his prognosis should not have had this outcome,

except for the prayers, thoughts, happenings of those who call themselves

"Their circle"

This family is a big part of our community, always doing something

to make Plaquemine a better place so our little town would not

be the same without the Harrel's.

When I asked permission to post a blog on their own miracle the answer was,

"Of course."

You see, we believe that if these events are not shared with others,

we are not doing our job to being disciples and sharing these miracles.

thank you Brett and Rhonda for allowing me to tell your story.

Miracles are everywhere, you just have to be open and look at them that way.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Her life...

A few weeks ago one of the grandgirls was learning about 
the difference between fact and opinion.
I would give her many situations and she would let me
know what she thought it was, fact or opinion.
Which brings me to the post.
I have thought long and hard about this blog entry,
Knowing I may get back lash for my opinion here
wondering how many people will agree this is fact.
My reason for hesitating brings me back to the height
of Covid days,  and "Black lives Matter" era.
When people would try and convince me that their 
opinion was fact, my only answer was 
"All lives matter"
and I was condemned for that. 
I could not understand how they were preaching Black lives Matter
when they were pro-choice and killing a baby was okay
through abortion. I know abortion has taken many babies,
black, white, Red, brown....
all colors but were they saying only the black lives mattered?
Many tried to make me believe this was a fact.
Yet I continued my belief that all lives matter,
my opinion, of course... it takes many to make the world go round.
Then the whole Black Lives Matter died down
because, I believe many who went into it with a strong support
found the organization that was founded through this belief
was found to be corrupt and helped very few black people.
Now I am known for wearing rose colored glasses...
I just can't at my time in life worry too much about things of this 
nature as it makes me unsettled and my mind and heart just
can't let it go.
I rarely watch the news, i just have a better day if I don't know 
what is going on out there.
Then this happened...

This beautiful soul who loved her life, loved NOLA
loved Mardi Gras who had worked her whole adult life
well past the time most adults work and was looking forward to retirement.
She was looking forward to spending time with her husband and family.
Was doing nothing wrong, when she was killed so that 
four teenagers could enjoy a joy ride in her car...
and this sparked something in me that has laid dormant for a while now.
The whole black lives matter thing would not leave me...
It does not matter what culture the children were, it matters that....
And that the whole belief that until we agree that black lives matter,
no lives will matter. I beg to disagree..
Let turn that sentence around, 
Until all lives matter, black lives won't matter.
I tried to let this one sit with me staying silent,
but Her life mattered, the children who committed the crime?
Their lives mattered and now they and their families lives have also been ruined.
All for a short ride in this woman's car.
If I know this woman at all, from what I have read about her,
she would not be praying for herself, but for the souls of the teens.
One final and important thought.
I am told that the parents of these teens are the ones who turned in their children.
The one bright spot in the story, as if you have ever kissed your children
good night, You know how hard this was.
When Brian Laundry's parents have covered for their son.
these parents did the right thing.
They understand that her life mattered.


Monday, March 14, 2022

Jolee spotlight...

Our Jolee made her first communion yesterday
and was breathtakingly beautiful.
Out of all the grandgirls, she is the shiest but loves her some friends.
While the other two are apt to talk and hug those they know,
JoJo is more reserved and always sweet.
She can defend herself if she has to, but often just doesn't think its that important.
 She is mostly mild mannered but she can put up a good temper tantrum if need be.
You don't see it often, but she is a typical 7 year old most often.
Oh but her heart, her heart is so big, even in that tiny body.
The girl is always eating and loves her a good snack.
Yesterday we made it special for her and she was so very proud of herself
as we all were. 
Coming back down the aisle with the biggest smile on her face 
took me to place hard to explain,
With Jemma singing out of the missal on one side of me
 and Jillian on the other, so excited that it was her birthday
but knowing this was not her moment,
I was overcome with emotion.
I could not stop crying.
Thinking of the day these three may walk down that same aisle
if they choose, praying I am there to witness it.
Looking at their Daddy, my own little boy
and being thankful when all the childhood oncologist said I would never have children.
My beautiful daughter in law, her parents there also,
what my life would be like without them in it.
Sad that one little girl who should have been walking down the same aisle
was watching from somewhere else.
Just lots of emotions.
I have missed going to church and
thought there that I need to start going back and bringing 
these rug rats with me. 
I have missed doing mass with them at St. John and forgot
just how peaceful the Mass is and all the hugging, loving and bonding
that goes on there.
After we all met at the restaurant and in true Jolee fashion,
she walked in with her sister birthday present,
something she treasured wrapped in her own way.
She is giving and understands that its her day but its also her sisters birthday.
Later at Jilly's softball game I watch her playing with her friends
surrounding her. Jolee gets along with anyone, well except Jemma lol.
As we watch her sister softball team,
I hear a laugh, a deep, belting laugh from the bottom of the heart.
Her Dad and I giggle, as we know that is our Jolee.
She loves her life and is enjoying it.
I love you Jolee Claire....FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.


Sunday, March 13, 2022

2nd anniversary to the 9th birthday

Jillian Grace Riera is eleven years old today.
She is our first Grandgirl and just a tad spoiled but also the 
sweetest, kindest little girl.
When she came to the Cottage on Friday she told me,
"Mumsie, I gave up my iPad for lent."
If you know our Jilly Bean that girl loves her some iPad.
Whether it be TicToc, Youtube, Roblox, its her jam.
For her to give this up it's a big thing.
So I was shocked, surprised and so very proud.
I usually don't let them play on the iPad except when they come sleep 
and I am on my own laptop and even then, its for a very short time.
We also rarely put the TV on and if we do, like Jilly said, its to watch Wizard of Oz.
(oh she knows me well)
This has been a thing since they were babies and toddlers so its engraved in their DNA.
I have always had many things for them to do and if they said they were bored,
I have a list to pick from.
The "No Whining" sign still hangs on the wall but they are so conditioned
now that they rarely have to sit there anymore.
Back to Friday...
I wondered how this would play out, if she would ask me to play with her but we were good.
Saturday morning, I decided I wold vacuum before I brought her home.
As I did this.... I heard the piano... I had taught her how to play DO-RAE-ME
the night before. I went to see what she was up to, and there she was,
pinging to the new tune she had just learned.
Jilly is a perfectionist, she will sit there and practice until she get it right.
I was touched, and so very happy I never made the piano off limits
to them even when all they did was bang on it. 
I went on to vacuuming and a while later I peaked in to see what
she was doing and again, I was so happy I never made my miniature collection
off limits to them either...
there is was setting up, humming, and organizing the place.
She loves her some organizing.

Not long after, it was time to bring her home.
I could not find her but knew she was not far.
when I returned to the Cottage I  saw she had written this on 
a chalkboard on my pantry door...

Once again I was touched by this message.
You see, there are no double digits at the Cottage.
When she turned 10 last year I informed her and her sisters
that here, they will forever be 9.
They will always just have Anniversaries of their 9th birthday.
Through the year when I remind her of this, either she won't play along
or she becomes irritated with me.
However i have heard her repeat it to friends when they visit the Cottage.
To find this, unprovoked, message right there...... 
Yeah it will stay there until one of them erases it.
my sweet girl. 
Mumsie will always, always be one of your biggest fans!


Friday, March 11, 2022

You just never know....

 A few days ago, a friend and I were talking
and he mentioned that while in line at Walmart,
and older couple before him was checking out and
he decided to put his debit card in and pay for their groceries.
They were shocked, did not know how to thank him.
We also talked about how we don't do these things for 
recognition nor a pat on the back, but it does make us feel good
to know we have done something for our fellow man.
I also added that sometimes, when others see this happen,
they want to pay it forward, to do something for others
so in that way, it's not always a bad thing.
Which brings me to something that transpired yesterday.
First, let me give you the back story...
When you have a beautician who has been in your life for over 18 years
and you just love her, you will travel an hour to continue to see her, visit with her,
when it's time for hair mechanics.
Nikki and I have formed a strong bond and I can't tell you all the
things we have talked about over the past 18 years.
Her pregnancies, building of her house, her brothers wedding...
Just a lot of things, all in a beauty shop.
So a few months ago, when she told me her Mother was battling cancer
I immediately felt she and her Family's pain.
I asked for her Mom's address to send a card.
If you know me, you know I am a firm believer in sending snail mail.
I love sending and receiving letters and cards in the mail.
I followed through and sent her Mom and Dad a card.
I just wanted them to know that I was a cancer survivor from a long time ago
and that they would overcome this and it would make them stronger.
Then I just kept sending them along with small gifts here and there.
I have never met her but felt like I knew her.
When I received a Thank You card from her, it made my day!
I did not do this for recognition, fame, not for reward,
I did it because I wanted them to know that I was thinking of them all
during this trying time.
Which brings me back to yesterday, it was time for a haircut
and Nikki put me first thing in the morning.
We visited and talked about her family and her Mom and Dad.
I caught her up on the happenings of my own family and life.
Then when I came to the counter to pay,
I was shocked when she said,
"And your haircut is taken care of today"
"What? No Nikki"
"Yes my Mom and Dad took care of it"
I got choked up, Verklempte, GRo-Cud whatever you call it.
"Please let me at least leave you a tip"
"Nope they took care of that too!"
I hugged her and was just speechless, that does not happen often, me being speechless...
I didn't want to accept it at first, because as I started this blog,
I did not do it to get any recognition and then I decided to take my own advice,
Accept it as these people are not only appreciative for the small act of kindness
but they are paying it forward, being a disciple themselves.
While relaying the story back to my friend,
I cried and I want them to know....
they made my day!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


                                                        "MOM!!! STOP HUMMING!"

 My poor Momma, always humming and always having

to hear me say stop it!

I don't know why her humming irritated me so when I was younger.

Word of caution:


So my Momma, always humming or singing.

While I was raising my children and she lived with us,

it would drive me crazy...

Now I catch myself humming all the time!

I hum the Battle Hymn of the Republic,

things that play on my singing clock,

or perhaps the last song I have heard.

To the point that I aggravate myself sometimes.

Even when video taping something I can be heard humming.

Yet most often, I don't realize I do am doing it.

Until recently when, before me feet hit the bed, I found myself humming.

I was brought back to all those times my Momma did the same.

On a hard day I would wonder, 

"What is she so happy about??!

Now I realize, like myself she probably didn't even know she was doing it.

Much like myself.

I want to tell her Sorry for all those times I asked her to quit.

I want her to know that I get it now, As I have inherited this trait

or perhaps from hearing her hum most of my life.

I want to tell the people in my life, bear with me

I know not what I hum....

.... I want to hear her hum one more time...

Monday, March 7, 2022


 It was the first time I have been to my down the bayou,

Lafourche Parish town since Ida in August.

Because I love deep and think deeper,

I knew it would be hard.

I cannot put into words in one blog just how many

things I thought about while visiting with my cousins

to celebrate one of our own's memorial, visiting in my 

Aunt's home from when i was a child,

Pajama parties at my sister then my nieces home

with my sisters.....

Walking the same steps around Golden Meadow Junior High

that I did when I was a girl, that all my siblings did,

as well as my own children. The same places that my Dad

took photos because he was the school photographer...

Supper with the besties that went on for so long that we had

to order dessert after three hours before they asked us to leave.

Running into good friends at almost every place I went.

Most of these were fun and beautiful but the way I felt

riding down our bayou seeing not only the destruction of a storm

but the resilience of our people is hard to explain.

Riding in neighborhoods that I grew up in that are just not recognizable.

The subdivision where my children played, does not look familiar to me anymore.

My childhood home, still standing tall and mighty reminded me of

how many times we evacuated and turning the corner to see

Dursette Lane, hoping we had a home, and each time it was still standing.

Life is just such an odd thing.

Thursday, March 3, 2022


This girl right here, my great niece, she is a hero!
Yes people have babies every day and every one is special but this girl...
This boy?? Well they deserve a little bit more praise.
You see these two people, they fell in love in high school.
When she was a senior and he a Junior, they found out they were going
to have a baby. For most teenagers, this would have been 
a hard thing and I am sure it was for them.
Yet, they made a decision back then.
To figure out how to give this little baby the best life possible,
even better than their own. 
Both finished high school all the while working.
When they had their sweet baby girl three years ago,
it was not easy but with a lot of back and forth and hard work,
they found their way. 
I have watched this little momma with her little girl and
the patience she has shown her, the love....
I have watched this little Daddy show his little girl all the finer
things in his life like hunting and fishing, well
whatever he is doing, she is there.
They were able to buy their first home, cars and still
find a way to love their little family.
Then pregnant again, planned.
Yet they didn't plan for twins! 
Their baby girl from day one, said it was two brothers.
They were still surprised when the ultrasound proved it.
Then my little niece, well she did something that has
made my heart even softer for her.
Never in the last 9 months did I hear this girl complain about this pregnancy.
From day one she was tickled with the idea of having twins
and when she found out it was twin boys she knew she was in love yet again.
Never once did I hear her complain about pregnancy issues,
although I am sure their Daddy did.
Each time we spoke or I saw a post about them, it was positive.
When the future was discussed and doctors shared that
multiple births were hard to carry and she may go early and the
brothers may have to be in the NICU for some time,
she was determined to carry these babies as far as she could so she
did not have to go home without her little ones.
That she did, when she was threatening to deliver early, she went to
bed and stayed there. Their Daddy, worked long hours but still
came home and did Momma and Daddy duties so that they
could give these boys the best chance possible.
Even when the doctors said it was safe to deliver, she still let the babies
decide when they would come knowing this is what was best for them.
When, one a day that would have been so cool to deliver, 2/22/22,
she held on, letting them deciding on their birthdays.
Though the extra weight to her body, the enormous size of carrying twins,
she saw only positive, often seen posting about how miraculous a woman's body is.
Yesterday March 2, is the twins birthday.
She so wanted to deliver vaginally as many twins must be C-sections,
those babies turned their little heads down and she gave birth to 
both of them just the way she planned with their Daddy right near her
supporting, encouraging his babies' momma.
I am just beaming with pride for this couple and their beautiful family.
 I want to send them words of advice from their Aunt Lil:
You two, have a lot to be proud of,
two of them being yourselves.
The World, it can be hard on a young couple,
Time will have you forget all the special feelings and times
through the last 9 months, do not let that happen.
Plan that wedding you guys have waited for,
make it a bond that will not be broken.
When marriage gets tough, look into the eyes of those three children
and remember the promises you two made to them when 
you brought them into this world.
Don't let anyone or anything come between your little family.
When things get hard, and it will, turn to each other, not anyone else.
Don't let outside influences break you little family.
No one will ever love your children like you two do.
They were given this little family by you two and
they deserve to have it a unit, take divorce and separation out of your vocabulary.
When you are wrong, admit it, When you are right shut up....
I love you five and although I may not be in your lives daily,
I am always cheering from the sidelines and never far away if
you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on...
or Aunt Lil advice....
I am in awe of you two!



 I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...