Thursday, December 30, 2021

Wherever you are...


I just read this sentence and it struck me...

Wherever you are, be the soul of that place.

Last week I had someone pick up something I had sold

on Market place. It was a local person who knows my

KD's family so I felt safe to have her pick up at the  Cottage.

Her car was running and her two girls were in it.

She thought she was going to just run in and pick up,

Oh but I started talking... and she started talking,

and before we knew it, I was giving her and her two girls,

who by now had joined us inside, the tour of the Cottage.

I am so very proud of my simple but quaint little Cottage

and each time I get to give the tour, or have friends or kiddie's

gather I am able to once again see the beauty of this place.

My new friend and her two girls gave me a piano concert

and before they left we had mutual people we knew and

were facebook friends. She stayed so long that her hubby,

who made the purchase was worried that he had sent them

to some crazy persons home... that may be true but I am harmless, lol.

I pray that I am always willing to open my doors to people 

and when they leave, they are happier than when they came,

that they find some contentless in the little things of life,

that I share whatever goodies and wise words I have thought of

as they visited. But I know one thing, I am...

The Soul of Mumsie's Cottage.


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