Wednesday, December 22, 2021



It's finally time for a party at the Cottage.
The grandgirls are here, spent the night as preparing
for a gathering with their friends takes a lot of work.
Sister C is also here to assist and Maw Maw will be here a little
later to also help with the fun.
It is an honor for me to be able to host a party for 
The Grands and their friends.
Each thing I have made, that they have prepared has them
so excited for the events.
As they decorated bags for popcorn for their peers,
wrapped present after present,
they spoke of each friend individually.
They are so fortunate to have so many close friends whose parents
will allow them the come to the Cottage.
One of my biggest hopes is that I can continue to do these things
not only for them but with them.
As we prepared to call it a day they spoke of how excited they were for today.
Well except Jemma, she just was all about the cuddles and sleeping 
with Aunt C. 
I just know that today we will add more memories to their
nostalgia bank and that either a smell or a thought 
will come to them as an adult and they will
remember the days at Mummies Cottage for parties and friendship.
I just know these girls will be blessed with besties 
just as I am after all these years.


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