Thursday, June 24, 2021


This morning, after fixing my coffee, I see this
bright orange sticky note under my chalk board...

Of course, I am curious enough to have to look at it, 
figuring its one of the grandgirls who put it there.
I know right away it is Jolee when I see her spelling
and change of ink colors,
Yep, that is our JoJo.
She has Mumsie correct, Cottage, spelled as she hears it.

I chuckle to myself as I remember this message she left on
another visit, 
That day she was practicing her robot moves around the cottage 
so I again, knew it was her art work.

 I also knew because she is the one more apt to leave me
small messages such as these around.
I believe she will be most like me when it comes
to writing, reading and making sure she leaves a mark in her world.
It also brought me back once again to a childhood memory I remembered.
My mom, when I was growing up, worked at Randolph's Restaurant
in front of our street. She could walk there as she didn't drive
and I can see her even now, walking there is her starch white 
nursing uniforms which was the attire for waitresses back then.
She usually had the morning shift and would be back home before
I got home from school but there were evening when she was
called to work. I didn't like these nights.
I always felt most secure when both Mom and Daddy were home 
when I went to bed. Therefore, on these nights I tried to stay up 
to wait for her. Because some were school nights I was not allowed 
to wait up. Yet, on those evenings as I thought of her 
taking people's food orders as I made my way to bed I 
would leave her little notes on the kitchen table. 
I wish Mom was one who would have saved such notes
as it would be hysterical to read them now. 
I was a nighttime kisser and hugger and liked laying across
her recliner so she could rub my back so when she was not there
that connection was lost. Although I can't remember what I wrote on those
notes, I have the memories of sitting in the kitchen writing these
notes. I remember feeling like I wanted her to know
I loved her, I missed her and what better way to talk of how
you are feeling rather than writing it down.
How I miss the days of growing up and being able to 
spark those memories when looking at a sticky note that now
lives under my chalkboard. I will save them.
One day Jolee will be an adult and I know she will be sparked
of memories when looking into Mumsie's scrapbooks.

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