Friday, June 25, 2021

Siblings Unite

Yesterday was a rare affair.
Many do not know that the Collins children span
from Simone, the oldest 81 and myself, youngest at 57, 23 years.
Something happens when the matriarch and the patriarch dies.
My Dad died in 1983 and part of us all went with him.
Family gathering that were once mandatory became "if you can make it"
in the big house we were raised in.
We were not all able to stay as close as we were when he was alive.
Yet, we tried, and we tried hard. 
Celena, sister and her hubby Ted bought the family home 
and every Christmas while Mom was living,
hosted Christmas Eve at their house. For my family
it was a given, go to church then meet at C and Ted's.
It no longer was mandatory but on any given Christmas you 
never knew who would be there. Oh what fun we had at these gatherings.
Like all families, they became extended the little children became
adults and it just became harder to gather as a family.
Then Mom died..... and another piece of our heritage and heart 
went with her as well. C and Ted sold the family home
as their little family no longer needed so much space.
All of us became busy in our own lives and although some of us 
remained visiting whenever we could it was always one here
or three there. It was not all together as it had been in the past.
Simone made the decision to go to a nursing home when her health 
became that she needed medical intervention daily.
We all tried to visit as much as we could, many of us
made her birthday celebration each year but never all of us.
Then Covid... what covid took from us...
Let me be sensitive to those not as fortunate as us,
we have been blessed that none of us died from this dreaded disease.
I know many families have not been as lucky.
What it did take away from my sister, was family,
visiting, hugs, kisses, relationships. 
The home had to keep her and their other residents safe, we 
all understood and appreciated that.
For her, she had to be lonesome, with long days.
Some of us visited at the window when we could always
at different times but that does not give you the human touch we all need.
So it was a wonderful feat when C was able to coordinate
a day at the home where we all could visit at once.
We surprised her with all 5 of us with a visit that allowed
some of us to hug and kiss her for the first time in over a year.
The gathering was also for us siblings as well as we
realize always how we need to gather in the name of
our Collins family and our parents honor.
We sat for three hours just talking...
talking about our families, sharing photos, my brother 
speaking about Vietnam and we  all shared what that
war did to him and our family. Most of our memories
are personal but I will say that we all left there with a better 
understanding of how our lives have led us to the 
people we are today. I was able to ask and get answers to 
questions that I had about when I had cancer.
It was a beautiful day and we all felt the love our
parents bestowed to us when they made us a Collins
Simone Marquerite
Lawrence Joseph (diseased)
Veronica Ann
Peter Romel
Rosanna Marie
Celena Monique
Lillian Therese
Connected by blood, United by love.
Thanks siblings 
"... and I don't know if you knew so I'm taking this chance to say
that I had the best day with you today"
-taylor swift


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