Saturday, June 12, 2021

On handwriting...

Recently, i found out that many schools are doing away with script writing

which goes along with handwriting. 

this makes me sad for a lot of reasons.

a teacher recently said they thought handwriting was not something

children of today need to learn, it was obsolete except for their signature.

Recently I went to a baby shower and the little momma asked if

someone could read her a card that was written in script.

it was my card and I take a lot of pride in my cards and the love letters

i write in them, always in my own handwriting.

handwriting is so personal to each person and says so much about who 

we are, how we learned the craft of writing.

I can remember vividly when, in the 4th grade, we not only got 

to start writing with an ink pen but also began learning script.

after the basic structure taught by one of my favorite aunts,

i put in my own personality into my handwriting.

as i grew older, it went from little hearts and circles over my I's

to a more formal but personal script.

I worked so faithfully to make it pretty and even today

I take pride in my handwriting, which has become part print part script.

to think that my grandgirls will not be able to learn this traditions old

"write" of passage, makes me want this for them.

if their private school does not teach it, I plan on doing that

during the many hours we play school here at the cottage.

i not only want them to learn the fine art of script letter writing,

but i want them to forever be able to read the numerous love letters

that I write to each of them even long after I am gone.

I most certainly never want them to find themselves at an important event

in their lives and not be able to read something someone wants them to know

in their own unique style of writing.

handwriting is a form of art for me, each font of one is so unlike the other.

I want to experience the art my grandgirls make when deciding

the correct form for themselves. it truly says something about

the person who takes the time to formulate their own style instead of

searching for a font on the  word wide web is not something we see much

of today. I want my grands to know that feeling, the one you get,

with tongue between teeth as you learn the stokes of handwriting.

send a love note to someone you love today!

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