Sunday, June 20, 2021

Falling In Love, not just for lovers

If you know me, you know I am a lover of words.
I love to look at the bigger picture, reading between the lines,
trying to explain my vision to others who may not 
view things in the same way.
So this morning, as I searched through photos to find
the perfect photo of my Dad for Fathers Day,
I cam across this quote.
Jeez, I wish I had written that myself.
I am and tend to fall in love with those
similar to myself, who hear a song and feel the same
emotions you did the first time you heard it,
what you were doing on that said time.
An old soul, I was known to be had. 
Falling in love, well its not just for lovers.
It is also that which you have for your children and grandchildren,
that unconditional love.
Then there are those for your friends, your besties,
cousins and neighbors who also land up becoming 
loving friends along with the other titles.
As I continue to work on the book I am writing,
I use my love for words to try and explain all the deep emotions
I feel on any given day, the thoughts or things I hear and see
that have me going on a rampage of thoughts and deep feelings
I have. Someone recently told me that my home portraits are 
more than just a painting, they are an experience.
I love that saying so much that I am contemplating putting it
on my business cards. To ge a feel of the place I am painting
is key to my art. That so many see and get my vision is a
God given blessing. I have not painted for many who have
not become my friends... 
Yes, I love these as well and my list that I add to daily does
not overwhelm my heart to the point that I cannot add
another person, another song, another book, another blog
to my growing list of "falling in love".


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