Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When he returns...

Monday afternoon, Kd called to ask if the girls could
come hang out here while she saw a patient and until 
their Dad got back from work.
Yes! I had been having a few down days and I guess I needed
the "fix" that the girls give me.
I set up quickly ugly sweater cookie kit,
popped popcorn and sunny D.
Kd brought in JoJo and wheel chair 
and right away all three got into decorating cookies.
As their Dad was coming home to start his 45 days 
of vacation, they were all a little excited.
Jilly made the comment,
"I always get the first hug"
and went on to explain why as she is the oldest,
she is faster and she knows that he is back before
the other two. Their whole lives, their Dad has
gone away for two weeks and off for two weeks.
It was their Dad's and Jesi's way of life as well
so it is a normal thing for them.
However, to say they don't miss him during that time is
an understatement.
We were doing art work when we heard the door bell ring
and Jilly right away ran to the door,
proving her analogy as to why she gets the first hug.
What I got to witness though that touched me the most
was not so much the reaction of the grand girls
but the reaction of their Dad, my son, my first born.
The minute he saw Jilly, he began to giggle, laugh,
he laughed the whole time as he greeted each of
his little girls individually and continued to laugh
 and smile while he loaded them into his truck. 
I once again realized just how very lucky these
three little girls are, to have the parents they have.
A Momma who holds down the fort when their Dad 
is at work and a hands on Dad who is always so very
happy to come home to them.
I saw first hand just how much he loves these girls.
It made my heart happy, it reminded me that
his Dad and I, we were far from perfect, but we must
have done somethings right  to raise a man
who can genuinely love his girls to the point that
they know he has their back always.

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