Sunday, December 15, 2019


Waking this morning to the remembrance that
my Aunt GaGald (Glorise), my Dad's sister
passed away yesterday. My Dad was one of 9 and
now only one aunt remains although we buried her husband,
Uncle Roy last month.
This Aunt was very special to me as her home,
with her hubby, Uncle Red and her four children were
where myself and my family spent lots of time during
my childhood cancer years.
The family lived in Chalmette, Louisiana and owned
their own Air Conditioning business.
So many childhood memories surround their lives as
the one thing I always looked forward to when 
having to go into the hospital was my night or two at their home.
She was elegant, she was classy, always a wonderful dresser
but not afraid to work hard and get her hands dirty.
I was not always a pleasure to be around back in those days.
I could throw a tantrum with the best of them
when I would refuse the medicines that I needed to take
before a check up procedure.
There was one time in particular that I was giving both my
parents a hard time about it. She relieved my parents
and took the problem on head on. I thought maybe
she would fuss me, tell me how ungrateful I was but she did not.
She walked into that room where I was pouting
took me in her arms and rocked me on that bed.
She told me how unfair it was that I had to do all these tests
but no one could live their lives if something happened to me.
She worked on my soft emotions that I had even back then.
She then gave me the meds that I took without fuss.
This was my aunt, always so patient with me.
I have written a few blogs about her and her family.
This is a recap of one of those blogs:
I thought they were rich because of the wonderfully smelling
pink soap called Ponds.
The Bath always smelled like that beautiful bar.
Our home only had cheap white soap as we
had so many bodies to clean.
I remember pledging that when I grew up I 
would only use Ponds soap.
I kept that promise to myself to this day.
The first time I blogged about this,
my cousin Faye informed me that they did not
use Ponds because they had an overabundance of cash
but because it was the only soap back then the did not leave
tub rings. Touche'.
Since then, my aunt has buried that wonderful cousin, Faye.
She also buried her baby boy, Dwayne many years ago
when he died well before his time.
Now my two living cousins, Dela and Bert find themselves
the only two left from their immediate family.
I can imagine their feelings as no matter how
old you are, you are never ready to loose your Mom.
Dela has told me she went peacefully and I know it has to 
be just a tad easier believing that she will now be with 
her wonderful hubby, Uncle Red and two of her children,
Fay and Dwayne.
My heart is heavy with this death, how I loved her.
In February, the last gathering myself, Randy and the grandgirls
went to in Golden Meadow was our last visit.
As always, she was dressed elegantly with the sharpest of minds.
She wanted to share a story about the cancer days.
She started with, "Sit down Lil, I want to share a story with you..."
She went on to share that one day she and my Mom were
staying at the hospital with me. I had been very sick that
night after Chemotherapy. She said I was so weak I could
barely hold my head up. My Mom asked her to help bathe
me and put a fresh night gown on me.
Explaining when she pulled the soiled night gown and saw
just how thin I was, that she could count every rib, could
see the radiation burns on my abdomen. She finished with
after I was cleaned and resettled she literally had to 
leave the room to cry and be sick herself.
I share this story not for my part in it but for her part.
She loved me so very much that just the site 
of me being so sick touched her so deeply.
While it was not the happiest of stories we then talked
of just how far I have come, how blessed my life has been
and I thank her. I tell her my memories I share here with you all now.
I know without her and her family's acts of kindness bestowed
on my whole family, life would have been much more complicated
than it already was.
My Aunt GaGald, classy, elegant, beautiful,
she will be missed so very much but many parts of her
will live on, not just inside myself but all those who knew her, 
loved her, was blessed just knowing her.
Dela and Bert, I know these days are hard for you all.
Not many have to bury so many of their immediate family
to be the only two left standing but one thing I know,
you two cared for my dear Aunt until her last breath.
I love you two so very much.
RIP my dear Aunt!

(Aunt GAGAld, to my left in February, still dressing so 
classy. On my right, my only aunt left on Dad's side,
and sweet JoJo who came in for the photo.)

1 comment:

Cindy Gilbert said...

Lilly, everything you write is so touching. Your memories are superb!
I used to go and spend summers at Taunt (GaGald) and Uncle Red. I so looked forward to that. As I am thinking about your article, I have to say, I have never seen Taunt angry! She was always kind and so very giving.
RIP my Taunt


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