Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmas Eve

Today I will begin to cook my Christmas Eve early supper
as the kids and grand girls will be here for supper!
It is such a hard thing these days to get together as
they each have their own families that they want
to share their Christmas mornings with.
What is the menu?
A ham, rice dressing, oyster dressing, potato salad
and homemade Chocolate Chip oatmeal cookies.
Not a big menu but for us 8, it shall be plenty.
This gathering has me realizing just how much has
changed since Christmases past.
When your children are little and you have the 
decisions on where to spend it.
Half of those Christmases, their Dad was working
but we always made a visit to his family on this morning.
We usually had Christmas lunch as sister, Veronica
with the rarity ones being at my house.
Christmas Eve, was almost always at C and Ted's who
at that time lived in the family home in Golden Meadow.
I can say we had some lovely Christmases.
Uncle Luke and Aunt Tim would always stop by
after Christmas Eve mass as was Ted's parents.
So many people, so many conversations, so many children
begging to open presents. When Mom lived next door,
we always took the walk there for her to give out
her gifts. It was great memories!
Now Christmases are being separated as now
those who were little children then, have their own wives 
and children and want to begin their own memories.
Don't blame them as there were some Christmases that
I would have liked to stay home on that morning, in PJ's
playing with the kids and their toys.
Yet, the memories we made and the fun we had,
games in the afternoon, naps for the men who had a little too much
turkey. It gave for many memories.
I am happy for our little gathering tomorrow and
today I will begin to bake remembering Christmas past
and looking forward to Christmas future.
Merry Christmas to you all!

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