Tuesday, December 10, 2019

...Be Patient....

It is a curious thing, that a title of a book you find at
a thrift store can bring back a memory you had stored
so deep in your heart, you completely forgot it.

So begins this blog.
This book's title...
Let me set up the background.
I was born to older parents, my Mom was 43 and Dad 45
when I was born, the baby of 7 children with 23 years
between my oldest sibling and myself.
So to say I was spoiled is an understatement.
The fact that I was also a sickly child, battling cancer
added to the spoiling. 
Yet by the time I was a teenager, well my Dad was just tired.
He had diabetes he did not monitor, he had
been shot in WWII in his leg and was always just a tad
miserable. I always felt loved but he and Momma 
had kind of lost the toughness of a parent.
I knew I was loved but the words were not said often.
I think I was a Sophomore when some episode happened
which I can't recall today, but I knew
my Dad was disappointed in my for something.
I felt like I could not talk to him at this point.
I wanted to somehow get across that I was sorry
but I just could not say those words.
When he was upset with us, he rarely fussed, he would just
get really quiet, shutting us out. 
I was feeling so down about it.
One afternoon during this time, I was getting ready to do 
my homework, (yes I sometimes did my homework)
and my composition had a cover that said,
Somehow I felt this would tell him that I was sorry,
I didn't mean to hurt him, I so didn't want him to be disappointed in me.
I tore off the cover and placed it on the kitchen table where he sat every
morning, waking at 4 am probably for the peace and quiet 
before the masses awakened.
I went to bed that night nervous but feeling good about 
the apology.
The next morning, as I came down the 22 steps that would
lead me to the kitchen for breakfast, i saw a frame
sitting on the end of the banister.
When I got down, I realized he had not only saw
my composition cover but had put it in 
a frame and placed it where we all would see it
each time we passed by the stairs.
There it sat until I think he passed away when I was 20,
That day I asked him about it and he chuckled,
something he rarely did towards the last years of 
his life.
He didn't say much, all I remember him saying was
We all need to remember that.
Yes, the title of a simple book brought me right
where this memory lived, deep in my heart
to be brought to the surface to remind us all,
to be patient, God is not finished with us yet.

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