Friday, December 13, 2019

Matter of Perspective

A few days ago, driving into my driveway,
I had a view of my backyard.
To me, it looked messy with all the dead leaves covering the ground from
my few trees and bushes.
My grass cutters only cut when needed and
I am not one to rake up the leaves that
embody my back yard.
It's winter, it is the way a most yards look
at this time of year.
When I was married there was never a leaf on
the ground as Ron liked a well manicured yard.
 It looks messy to me but not enough 
to care. That very afternoon I have Jilly 
for a few hours between choir and gymnastics.
She get out the car and she says,
"Mumsie, stop and stand right here"
I stand near her looking out into 
my and Mrs. Shirley's back yard.
She goes on,
" It looks like a winter Christmas card with 
all the leaves and empty trees"
I look at it again and I still only see a yard
looking messy full of leaves with little greenery.
I tell her this.
She still stands there, puts up both hands
as though she is looking through a lens.
"No, Mumsie you have to look at both the
yards together, it's so pretty it"
and then I do.
I stand there by her and I take in my and Mrs. Shirleys'
back yard and I see the Photo image she sees 
in her mind and she is right.
It is a beautiful sight, reminding us that 
season are for reasons.
I am proud of the fact that my grand girl
has the eye of an artist, who can see beauty 
where most just see messy yards.
Thanks Jilly for that eye opener.

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