Monday, October 21, 2019

Visits to the Cottage...

There are many things in my life that I am proud of,
one is my Cottage. It is the first home I have owned on 
my own, I have made it scream my name on arrival.
Anyone who knows me just a little bit can walk into the cottage
and see that it is I who lives here.
Another thing, is the first time I have someone visit
the cottage, I feel like a tour guide, having to show
each room, explain different decor, I swear I am
a mess. Recently I have had two friends visit
the cottage for the first time.
I hope they enjoyed the tour as much as I did.
This morning I find this post:

Yes! that is me and the cottage!!
All my little collections, all the books
in the library and the studio is what make me, me
and the Cottage mine.
Anytime I am showing the studio I say,
"If this room is ever clean it is a bad sign
because it means I am not creating.
So,yes, I don't have a mess,
I have ideas lying around everywhere!
I will never again ask forgiveness for
the state of the Cottage.
It is this place that has my creativity flowing!

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