Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Another Veteran's Day for the books!

 Yesterday, Veteran's Day of 2019 was a success!
Right here, in our little town of Plaquemine,
hundreds of people turned out to come and celebrate
all the Veterans. 
Jilly, being in St. John Children's Choir,
was invited to sing for all these people who
came out to celebrate.
I must say, Plaquemine knows how to put on
a Veteran's Day celebration!
As I and Maw Maw, Cathy Guilbeau,
watched and listened to all the speakers
and then watched our Jilly sing,
I was filled with so many thoughts.
Thoughts on just how many people I know that are Veterans,
Thoughts on a life of service is not just about the one
who serves but the whole families,
The wives/husband's who stay home to continue 
to do all those things that need to be done
for their children, parents, etc.
I am watching this young choir, sitting in the heat,
awaiting their time to perform,
and I am hit with the thought that most of these 
children are not really sure what Veteran's Day means.
I think to myself, most of them have not been
affected because of a War. A few of them have had
a parent or grandparent serving time away from them
but the majority are naively not aware of
the sacrifice these men and women have played
on their lives. That most selflessly, went into
a service so as to protect these children and
even us adults.
My Daddy was in WW II so we grew up
very patriotic, most of this generation, I hope,
will never know what a true war means.
And for that I am grateful.
Thank you to all you service people, no matter what
branch of service you chose or that which chose you.
Thank you all that my little granddaughter,
as she waits to perform for some of you,
has no fear of her safety to her country.
That she and her sisters may be the generation
that does not see war, that the only pain
they will ever have to worry about when it comes
to the safety of their Country
is how hot it is as they wait to perform.

It was a beautiful day to celebrate all you Veterans:


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