Friday, October 18, 2019


My young daughter turned thirty!!
Yes.... the Big 3 -0!
With that birthday comes many thoughts.
For instance,
"How can I have a thirty-four and thirty year old children?"
Like that just does not seem possible.
When they were young and had no choice but to 
see me everyday, I hated when people would say,
"Enjoy it, it passes fast!"
Yeah, If it passes so fast them come here before I 
hurt these kids who just broke my favorite lamp
with a football, in the house.....
"When I just finished saying,
"Don't be throwing that football in the house!"
All kidding aside, I say it now as well
because the facts are, it does pass fast and
you will awaken one day to find that you really
are old enough to have these kids, who are now adults.
I still cry when I hear Stevie Nicks sing LANDSLIDE.
Yep, every time, it still catches me by surprise.
I am 56 years old, living the best life possible,
having found my place in the artisan world with the 
home portraits. I think of death more than I have in my whole life.
Not that I am afraid of dying, more afraid of the journey 
from point A to point B.
With that said, I find myself being very content most days,
other days stressed because I just can't spread myself any
thinner, but I go into the studio, brush in hand, audiobook on
and loose myself in the day.

If I had to explain myself in a sentence now that I am in the slide down
of my 50's, it would be the one above.
I believe I have always lived with an old soul
and sometimes pray, that whatever happens after this life,
we do get to do "life" again in some capacity
I would like to have days again,
where every morning I have my own children looking 
lovingly at me saying,
"What's for breakfast, where is my school bag"

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