Monday, October 7, 2019

Another message from another level of life....

I say to so many, 
"I don't just paint portrait of homes,
unusual and beautiful things happen with each portrait"
Last week, those small miracles I speak of that we tend
to chalk up to coincidence is one I just have to blog about.
Because the home portrait is a gift I can't give too much away,
but let me tell the story as it happens.
Another concept that many know is that I pray
and question my client lots during their painting process.
So much so that I wonder if that client doubts my ability 
to paint the home. I just want to make sure I get everything right,
I want each client not to only be pleased but to also 
feel a pull at their heart strings when they see the real thing.
Photo's via phone just does them no justice.
With all that background, last week, I am finishing
up an order, adding on extra pieces that make my 
painting mixed media rather than just a painting.
I add established dates, keys, names, street address...
I ask this client, also a friend, Nicol,
 who is ordering for a family member who is a widower,
"Is there any sign they receive from their spouse on the other
side to let them know all is well?"
This family home is being sold because the owner is
just getting to an age that they can no longer keep up the home.
I know she is struggling with this decision as well 
as the family. As I await the answer from the client,
I am going through the thousands of things I have collected
over decades that may one day be used on a piece of my art.
I find this beautiful clear glass hummingbird.
It is in my hand as I remember how much my Aunt Tim loved
hummingbirds so I loved them too.
It is still in my hand when I hear my phone beep that 
a text is coming through.
Nicol texts me back,
"Yes, there are signs, pennies and HUMMINGBIRDS"
I become weak in the knees....
I literally have the glass hummingbird still in my hand!
What are the odds? This is not just a coincidence,
it is a sign from above and I hope that when this gift is given
they see this story as a sign from their loved one
that the right decision is made.
Goosebumps, I tell ya, things like this happen with my
work more than it does not happen.
I do not just paint homes on slate, 
I hope I put memories, joy and just maybe a small miracle
in the homes of others.
Thanks Nicol, for allowing me to share this story!

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