Friday, April 5, 2019

Follow me on a Journey..

Beginning today I am on a quest, to more journaling,
more blogging, more sharing.
Why, you ask? ( I know your
For many years I have played around with the idea
of writing a book.
This book has been started and stopped many times.
My book, hoping to title it like my first blog,
will be about my surviving childhood cancer back in 1968
when very few survived cancer, especially the type I had
Wilms Tumor. 
I am energized by many things in the last month or so
as I have been putting together my information,
trying to establish a timeline, etc.
Two publishers have reached out and I had not shared
as I always think they do that for everyone, etc.
What really has me fired up and wanting to make this
book a reality instead of a pipedream is
this week I contacted Touro Infirmary which was
basically my second home for most of my childhood
and the help I have received from them and the 
knowledge I am gaining by one simple email is
astounding! Now this am, the hospital has shared 
the original email with the son of the Doctor I believed
to have saved my life, Dr. Fischman.
My whole life I thought his name was Dr. Fisherman and
now know it is in fact Fischman.
Todays email has shared that they have spoken to his son,
Dr. Nathan Fischman and he was not only touched but
sent his personal cell number for me to call him!
I cannot wait to speak to this man as I have already
left a message on the number provided.
Follow along with me as I make this
"pipe dream" a reality!
More than excited as I gather my information!

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