Monday, April 8, 2019


Today, I have been elected to show up for Jury Duty
in my local parish of Iberville.
Unusually, I don't have to show up until 1 pm.
Many people dread Jury Duty.
I, on the other hand, always get excited when I get that
envelope in the mail and I always hope I get chosen.
Why? Because I love learning about different aspects
of the World that I have minimal knowledge about.
I like watching the people who sit with me in the
courtroom and wondering what they ware missing that
day to be there, as I am. As we wait for two lawyers and a judge
to decide whether we are the type of persons they are looking for.
I love meeting and talking to new people in my town.
I also think of what a privilege it is to be in a Country that believes
in 12 peers to listen to the information and make a judgment
where all must agree on the outcome.
I take this seriously and while I really don't have time to
spend days in a courtroom, listening to information relevant to
the case, and while I believe in only one Judge, being our maker,
I will show up for Jury duty.
If picked I will go in with a clear mind and no beliefs leaning 
to any side, for if we all stop showing up
Our system of law and order that we so believe
in, in our beautifully free Country of US of A
will fail and all those things that make us free
like the right to have your story be heard and judged
by a panel of peers will deteriorate.
Peace to all.

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