Monday, April 29, 2019


So much to be said about my great niece, Lucy Plaisance.
She is my sister, Veronica, My niece Rebecca and her hubby,
Mikie Plaisance's second our of four children.
I will start with the fact that if this child can grow into the awesome
18 year old she is, then my grandgirls are not too spoiled.
I say this because, like all children born into our family,
they are all spoiled. Lucy, as a very little child,
had a voice and was not afraid to speak it.
One of my favorite memories of her was, still in diapers
and a carseat in my back seat, I reprimanded her for something
that I can't even remember what for at this time but
her two year old self said in exasperation,
"Aunt Lil, I am about to blow up and you will have brains all
over this car!" 
Yeah, that kind of kid.
Yet, since then she is no less strong willed but has matured
into how she expresses herself. A just all around, well-rounded child.
She entered ED White in 8th grade and had cheered and
danced but had never twirled a rifle or a flag.
As she practiced without ceasing in her back yard, 
preparing to try out for her schools color guard team,
her Mother, being worried she may not make it as an 8th grader
told her,
"LuLu you maybe should have a plan in case you don't make it,
maybe try out for cheerleader?"
She answered, "Oh I will make it"
Not knowing Lucy, you may think she was conceited but
she is not, she is not conceited or convinced, she is that confidant in herself.
She not only made the team but as a Senior was Captain of her high school team.
Winter guard had her team winning many first place awards.
When she decided she wanted to go to University of Alabama
for college, her parents told her she would have to work on 
scholarships. In true Lucy fashion, she not only began working
on that but also on a solo to try out for the 
"Million Dollar Band Color Guard"
She made a 32 on her ACT as a 10th grader,
exceeded in all her classes, became captain of her team
and applied to Bama.
She was accepted there with a full paid scholarship.
Now on to her next goal. The Colorguard team!
Again, her Mother began to encourage but also try
and prepare her for the chance she may not make it.
this time Lucy knew what she was up against. 
A well known college where she was trying out with Seniors,
students who had been on the team for years.
She did not falter, even when she found out try-outs were on
the same night of her high school Senior Prom!
To top that off, she was chosen for the Prom court.
Still, she and her Mother and one of her brothers headed
to Alabama for try outs with the mentality 
"If I miss Prom it means I made the 'Roll tide' team"
A Two day exhausting try outs which had one on one interviews,
learning routines and perfecting her solo she had
choreographed. Our whole family was taking the time to
pray, put all our thought into her weekend.
Late Saturday afternoon the ruling began to go down
the texts of family.
"Our Bama Bound girl made it, Roll Tide!"
We could not be prouder of our Lucy.
No one deserves it more as this was not handed to her,
it is something she has worked hard to achieve for
5 years. Looks like we will be cheering on the LSU rivals,
well when it comes to the color guard team that is!
Congrats, Lulu, I love you and am so very proud of 
all you are and all you will become!

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