Saturday, April 27, 2019


There is a lot to be said when the youngest of the grandgirls,
of the Triple J's as they call themselves is finally at an age
where she can come along on Mumsie adventures.
This week, having all three of them being out of school for 
spring break and both their parents working has given 
us much time to be spent together. 
While my painting has taken a back seat for the week,
I have no regrets as it is such a short time where
Mumsie's Cottage will not be one of their favorite places
to hang, Maw Maw's being another.
Cathy and I have shared daily duties with these cuties
and while sometimes it can be exhausting, 
all my memories with these girls are being planted
in their hearts and in their heads.
On Easter Sunday, Jilly was supposed to go sleep at
a friends house but when she heard that the littles were
sleeping at Mumsie's she changed her plans quickly.
As I told Kd when she shared with me that Jilly rather
come here than her friends home, I said,
"Let her come as I am sure I will only be favored for a few
more years and better take advantage now."
Jilly insists she will always choose the Cottage over a friends house,
I beg to differ. Although each day with me we did some type of
adventure, yesterday was my favorite. Second being a trip
to the theater to see "Gumbo" (Dumbo) as Jemma calls it.
Having to go to Thibodaux yesterday I promised them
that if they were behaved while I ran my errands I would
bring them to one of the only McDonalds play places still
around. While passing that said Micky D's not only was the 
play place gone, but the whole place was shut down!
Oh what to do, what to do!
Then while getting my haircut as three little girls were
on their best behavior it was suggested that maybe I try
the Children's Museum in Thibodaux,
Excellent choice!
We all had so much fun with so much to do.
Triple J's love each others company and the littles are
so very blessed to have a big sister like Jilly.
Yes, she is your typical 8 year old in so many ways 
but when it comes to her little sisters, most often is so patient,
wanting to hold one of them during the puppet shows,
reading to them in the car, just so good with them.
When I am not sure what to order at the restaurant for them,
she knows what they like. When getting snowballs after a long
day at the Museum, she knows their favorite.
After a long, fun-filled day, they are all very tired

(before adventure day)

(after adventure day)
and both the littles don't think twice to love up on 
their big sis for rest. Yeah, it's a fake sleep but they
really do cuddle up like that coming home.
I am honored to have these three call me Mumsie.
I am touched when Ed Sheran starts singing his song
about loosing his Grandmother and JoJo gets sad
because she wants "Mumsie to never die"
I assure her I will be around for a very long time.
I am so very tired but content with our time spent 
and we get back to the Cottage with a  visit from
my very own niece, Tiffany (BeDa) who has come to spend the 
weekend with me. I don't know what I did in this life
to make me so lucky to have these three but I 
could not have hand picked three little ones better myself.

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