Saturday, March 16, 2019


I am home for the weekend, that being DTB, (down the Bayou).
My besties, Laurie, Ann and I spent the afternoon decorating for 
The baby shower for Laurie’s first grandchild. 
When I stay DTB I mean home, down the bayou.
I don’t visit as much as I should, time seems to slip away from me
As I do artist work, help with grandgirl, and spend time
With “da boo’ all so important yet this visiting is equally important. 
When I return to my hometown, more often than not,
I sleep at my niece, Tiffany’s apartment connected to my sis’s
Home. All of this writing gives a background for my story;

My Brud-in-law has been in my life since I was three.
He began dating my sis, Veronica when they were in high school.

Back then, aside from my immediate family
I was very shy of people yet, this handsome young man would try anything
To get the ‘little sister’ to like him. 
That day was a huge lollipop and it worked. 
One of my favorite things about sleeping DTB is
Morning coffee with Brud-in-law.
We are both early birds so we find ourselves each morning
spent here drinking coffee together and bullshitting.
The conversations are always so very good.
However, this man is one of the sweetest caring men I know. 
Since his retirement, He does a lot to help my sis.
Some mornings, it is as simple as this:
 he makes his coffee and then fixes the Keurig for his wife.
On this morning as I sit here drinking coffee he is folding clothes. 
They are leaving early to head to Mississippi to watch one of
Their grandchildren perform.
He is not merely folding clothes, though. 
“I woke up at 2:30am and remembered Veronica didn’t have enough
white clothes for our weekend so I washed, dried and am now folding so she can pack.”
This is one of many facets of my Brud-in-law I love. 
He was not asked or told what needed to be done, 
He just did it. I know so many that could benefit from learning
From this gentle soul who I am privileged to call

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