Each Christmas was one of my children by the tree, the last
and this the first with our Katie.
life and thought of a woman who is a retired nurse, artist, Mumsie to three grandgirls.
I am up early every morning. If it is past 4:30AM,
I have overslept. It takes me a while to get going in the
morning and I have this wild thought that if I sleep late I
am wasting precious time that I could be doing something else.
My Dad always was a 4AM early riser, so perhaps I get it
from him. This morning as I drink my coffee I get an early text
from Kd, JoJo is sick, threw up most of the night
"can you keep her today"
Sure! and having my sister, "aunt C" here, well that will
make it an even sweeter day once she feels better.
As I await our JoJo I am reminded of childhood sick days
of mine. There were many. Because I was the baby of a large
family and born to my parents in the 40's, Dad was retired
from his photography business and Mom worked at
Randolph's Restaurant in front of our street.
So on sick days, it was Daddy who did the nursing.
He was so good at it.
Yes, it was a rule, when we were home sick from school,
we didn't play, we didn't dress.
We stayed in our PJ's in our beds, watching Tv, reading,
How I loved sick days with my Dad especially on cold
winter mornings. Why? Because it almost always
meant he would go to the grocery store and you could
bet there was a new color book and colors in
those brown paper bags. Sometimes a comic book too
and some favorite foods, but always, always a color book.
As a child I waited for it.
AS an adult it warms my heart to think of this
man I called Daddy who, at that time was probably
in his 50's going through the color books to find
the best one for his little girl.
I will admit, I think there were a few mornings when it was
extremely cold that I faked a sickness.
Yes, for the flannel pajamas, gas heaters,
new color books and....
a whole day by myself with a man I adored.
I would do it all over again.
Love you, Dad!
I have not been blogging enough.
I have not been writing enough.
Life has changed so much for so many and I
need to put all the thoughts that flow through my heart and mind
down somewhere so as to remember this life right now,
the year 2020.... 2020!!!!!
I think every year that we live to add a candle to that birthday cake
is something to be thankful for and celebrate.
In no way is this a complaint blog, just thoughts.
All the miracle babies born and made during this pandemic
only see eyes and masks when looking into the faces
of those they love. The fact that this is their year
I pray it is never their normal. I think a lot about
my school nursing days and just how many little people needed
speech therapy. this generation will be filled to capacity for speech.
Baby's learn so much by looking into the faces they love
and mimicking what they see to form words.
To keep them safe we wear masks around these young blessings
or we stay away for fear of spreading the "virus".
I hope this is not going to be the "new normal" for all of us.
The virus still lingers, I will not get into my personal beliefs
on what is wrong or right about the things being done to hopefully
stop this pandemic. It is not my intent.
However, I am a social type of gal.
I believe there is so much to be said with a smile
and I have been known to hug EvEryone, from a person
I have known my whole life to a stranger I have just met because
they have done something good or kind for me.
Shoot I have probably been known to hug a few trees,
especially since its safe to hug trees right now.... lol
So social distancing has been hard for me.
I have become quite comfortable in my cottage, painting away.
Seeing my grandgirls once a week. Although I have always loved
my own company and quiet solitude. I also like visiting, coffees,
meeting friends and family. The longer I go without doing this
the more comfortable I become, which is fine but I don't want to
loose the part of me that is social. So I try and "pay it forward"
when I can, whether it be as simple as paying the way for
cars behind me getting on the ferry, giving the
proper amount of change to the person in front
of me at the grocery store, to gifting a home portrait
to a suffering family. I don't want to loose the self I am.
I continue to take one of the grandgirls each Friday night
to have quality time with them one on one doing whatever
it is they want to do. It is my prayers that when my time comes to leave
this life behind that their little hearts be filled with memories from
Mumsie's Cottage. Not fussing or correcting but playing and cuddling.
The blessings I get from having these children
in my life is priceless. They love me unconditionally
just as I love them, they are always filled with compliments to boost my
day. For one instance, I had Jilly Friday night and she stayed here most
of yesterday to help me bake and deliver cookies. She loved the giving part
insisting that she carry the box that held the goods of her favorite cookie.
While we baked she made a video of my baking antics
and she and I played around with the editing.
I ask "Jilly can you edit out my wrinkles, make me look
younger?" she without hesitation said,
"Mumsie, you can't edit the perfect things"
be still my heart!
I visit with my sisters on the bayou as often as I can and sister, C
is coming tonight for a few days.
It remains hard for me to visit my oldest sister, Simone
who is 24 years older than me (80), through a window at her nursing home.
She loves it there and we know she is well taken care of but each time
I visit her, struggling to hear or speak to her through a glass pane
because she can never work her phone to speak to us, I just
want to hug her.... I know and understand the rules are to protect
herself and the other residents there but it still is not fun to
visit this way. I will end with one thing I began to change
beginning yesterday. I have not been known as a negative person.
Dramatic, over the top, whimsical, eclectic... are a few.
But negative, I try not to be....
lately I have noticed on several occasions my conversations
have a negative tone to them. I do not like it and I do not want it
to be part of me. I am far, far, far from perfect,
but I am not a negative person. Yesterday I began the
focus of keeping my words and actions on a positive level.
It becomes hard during such a crazy time in our lives,
Covid, election, sickness, death...
Death.. have lost so many wonderful friends and family this year.
These are all reasons why I need to make my actions those
of a positive person. When I become to see that my words
bring out negativity in others its time for a change.
Today I begin to follow once again my Daddy's Golden Rule:
Merry Christmas to you all, will make 2021 the year I begin blogging and
writing more.... It will be the gift I give myself as I still
have not gotten that book completed.
Thanks for following along!
Big hugs and kisses, mask or no masks!
Since my termite inspection on the Cottage and
seeing that it not only needs a good outside cleaning but has a few pieces
of wood rot, I have been thinking maybe it is time to give it a new face.
Which brings me here after searching Pinterest for ideas on
Cottage Colors, I come across the scheme I think would be perfect for the Cottage:
Light pink, with white/creme trim and some type of blue for stripes
on window overhangs.
I pass these colors by the besties and after a few texts and pics
I share with them, they are on the same page as me.
But this morning, this morning, I see and read this:
... and now I know without a doubt the Cottage will be painted pink.
No doubt about it. Why?
Because even if I don't hit all these marks I strive to be each and
every one of them.
Pink it is!
October 16, 2020
A good friend of mine, sent me an article about
"learning to enjoy being alone"
He sent it because he knows how I love living alone.
It had me thinking that I hope people don't think
I am lonely because I choose to live alone.
So let me give some insight into this thought.
I love living/being alone but I am not lonely.
Sure, there are days I miss my parents, grand girls,
boo, and I am a very social person.
Yet the solitude I receive from living alone in my Cottage
is something I never take for granted.
I lived alone for a part of my nursing school days
and it was my first taste of living alone independently.
It was short lived as soon after nursing school, I moved back
home to help my Mom care for my Dad.
Then I married my high school boyfriend and stayed married
for thirty years. During those years, my ex worked 7 and 7
so I had some independent time but I was also a Momma to
two amazing kids. Once they grew up, people spoke about
"empty nest" stuff. I never felt it. Of course, there are times
I miss my children being little and having to be with me
but the fact that we raised two children to be independent of us,
well I consider that having been a good parent as it is our job
to raise them to be this way.
Then, after thirty years, my ex and I decided we were going
for divorce. I did not think so much of living alone...
Until I did that, lived alone.
I bought my cottage, the type of old home I have always preferred.
Decorated it as I wished, invited friends and family often,
have the grand girls over for sleepovers but mostly,
I live at the Cottage alone... and I love it.
Yes, I have a boyfriend who I enjoy spending time with
but living alone is the right choice for me.
I have always said I love my own company too much.
Fact of the matter is, I really do.
I love getting up early, having my first cup of coffee
talking to the Boo via phone.
I then have the day to myself, I can paint or clean house.
I can cook or not cook.
I can read or play a game, I can bathe when I want and
not bathe if I choose to. I have no dirty clothes except my own
and that goes for dirty dishes as well.
I love the solitude living alone gives me.
Not having to be responsible for anyone but myself and
my two cats is reassuring for me. I love a clean Cottage,
but I don't over Obsess if I choose not to do house work.
If I want to paint all day or lay around and do nothing all day
is not judged by anyone else.
So, for me, living and being alone is not the same as lonely.
I have not said much about how I feel about the pandemic.
mask wearing or not wearing, is it government based or a real threat.
I love a good podcast especially if it is an interview. It makes sense that I was drawn to an interview of an 105 year old woman. The inter...