Friday, December 18, 2020

Memories of childhood sick days.

I am up early every morning. If it is past 4:30AM,

I have overslept. It takes me a while to get going in the

morning and I have this wild thought that if I sleep late I 

am wasting precious time that I could be doing something else.

My Dad always was a 4AM early riser, so perhaps I get it 

from him. This morning as I drink my coffee I get an early text

from Kd, JoJo is sick, threw up most of the night

"can you keep her today"

Sure! and having my sister, "aunt C" here, well that will

make it an even sweeter day once she feels better.

As I await our JoJo I am reminded of childhood sick days

of mine. There were many. Because I was the baby of a large

family and born to my parents in the 40's, Dad was retired

from his photography business and Mom worked at 

Randolph's Restaurant in front of our street.

So on sick days, it was Daddy who did the nursing.

He was so good at it. 

Yes, it was a rule, when we were home sick from school,

we didn't play, we didn't dress.

We stayed in our PJ's in our beds, watching Tv, reading,


How I loved sick days with my Dad especially on cold

winter mornings. Why? Because it almost always

meant he would go to the grocery store and you could

bet there was a new color book and colors in 

those brown paper bags. Sometimes a comic book too

and some favorite foods, but always, always a color book.

As a child I waited for it.

AS an adult it warms my heart to think of this

man I called Daddy who, at that time was probably 

in his 50's going through the color books to find

the best one for his little girl.

I will admit, I think there were a few mornings when it was

extremely cold that I faked a sickness. 

Yes, for the flannel pajamas, gas heaters,

new color books and....

a whole day by myself with a man I adored.

I would do it all over again.

Love you, Dad!



World According to Tie said...

Lil... I too remember him being that way. I love and miss him so much especially these days. I remember when the 2 of us had Chicken Pox together and he would fix us coffee and crackers and butter. We had the best color books and a huge box of colors. He was a great man and I miss him everyday.

Rosanna Rosie Collins said...

Oh how I loved my Daddy too. This picture was taken at my wedding!I faked many a sick days too. Not to stay home with Daddy, but to go fishing and trawling with him. You see, little did we know at the time, but he always knew when we were faking. I'd be Dadddy I don't feel good!���� I can remember many times him sending you and Celena to school then look at me and say. "Go get the ice chests snd put them in the boat." Then, immediately, my fever went away, my stomach felt better and me and my Daddy were off for a great day on our boat!! Love and miss you Dad❣️


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