Friday, May 8, 2020

Bringing back a 1974 memory....

Almost a year to the date, a friend of mine, Tina Leger
sent me a text:
"Would you consider remodeling my childhood dollhouse?"
Whether she reached out to me because of my house portraits 
or of other crafts I have done, or if she knew I had a love for miniatures
and have a wide collection and a history of mini building,
I am so glad she did.
I almost immediately said, "I would be honored."
Last June I picked up her childhood dollhouse built by her 
GodParents when she was 5 in 1974.
Right away I was excited, loved the build, knowing it was not built 
by any kit I had worked with before.
Tina had made notes for me of things that she would like to have
me add to the home but other than that, she gave me free reign
saying "I trust your judgement, your talent."
I did not work on it for almost a year.
It was protected in my back yard shop.
The shop however, was a small mess. 
Not an area I was crazy about working in at the time.
It was filled with things I had made and was more storage than shop.
Even though I was not working on it, my mind was thinking 
of things I wanted to do with it, looking at miniature magazines again,
looking at on-line sites, storing ideas in my head.
Window boxes, shingled roof... but I still did not start it.

Then the pandemic started, Quarantine began, I still had over
90 home portraits to do but I felt it was time to get my shop in order
as well. I knew my friend, Tina was like me, missing her little grand girl.
She was this sweet girls every day sitter as her Mother taught other
people's children. When schools closed down, this little Momma
was able to be a stay home Mom for a time and she had to be so 
glad for that aspect of quarantine. Not so much for her Lovey.
I am proud of her son and his little family as I am for
my son and his family, taking this quarantine serious,
but has us grandparents lonesome.
So, in that aspect I needed to start the dollhouse for myself as well.
So the shop got put back in order, I primed the whole house and 
began an old craft that I had put on the back burner a time ago.
I split my days partly doing the dollhouse and the other part painting
my  home portraits. Yet, was getting drawn into this house.
As I worked on it, adding shingles, wall papering the inside,
building and filling window boxes, I thought
of the little girl who had loved this little house
and that same little girl, now a grandmother, Lovey, and the
memories she would be making with her sweet Grandgirl.
I remembered my own little dollhouse I had as a child,
nothing home built such as this, just a little plastic house
that I absolutely loved. I remember putting the little house
in sunlight so the light would come through the windows
and my little family had sunlight to live in.
I prayed for Tina and her family as I worked and 
enjoyed this project.
The inside of the home had never been more than white painted walls.
So I began doing all those things I used to do,
wallpaper, make wood floors, moldings,
I was finding another love that I had put on the back burner
for too long.
I put all Lovey's ideas she had sent with the house on sticky notes
and incorporated them into her house.
She wanted me to also do something I had never done before, 
that was to merge my dollhouse reconstruction  with my
I could not wait to complete the inside, paint the outside,
add roofing shingles so I could start painting trees, shrubs, etc.
A dog house was needed I made one and added it to the side.
window boxes were filled with little flowers I had been saving
for years waiting for a project that needed them.
I made curtains, sealed walls and floors so that
a two year old sweet pea could play with it to her
hearts content.
I began sending photos to Lovey and with each photo
came a compliment or admittance of tears being shared.
A text saying,
"I am so happy with my dollhouse. You brought it back
to life and its much prettier than it was from the day I 
got it. This was enough to now make me shed tears.

This was a challenge of the heart. I wanted to give
Lovey all she wanted so she could share many years with her 
Sweet Pea....
And as I always try to do, I pick up things
at thrift stores, garage sales, etc. I save them because
I know a time will come that it will mean something
big to someone else. One of Lovey's notes were
to add something like the flower, sweet pea or 
something to remind Sophia that she was her Lovey's 
Sweet Pea. Then I remembered and I hunted...
for a pure silver small top that had a sweet pea
on it......

... and when I finally found it, it was perfect! 
A perfect fit behind the dollhouse right below the chimney!
Not only are there two little peas that move around in the pod 
but the saying was perfect for Lovey and her little Sweet Pea.
Yes, with every piece of work I do, there is at least one
of these small miracles/coincidences that are hard to explain.
With that the dollhouse was finished and delivered to 
my wonderful friend. What an honor to be such a big
part to such a wonderful piece.!
Thanks, Tina!
"What so ever you do for the least of your brothers, that you do unto me"
It has taken me some time to write this blog.
I was missing my grand girls as Tina was missing her Sophia
so it was hard to find the things I wanted to share here.
As I took upon this project another dear friend,
JoAnne Kauffman, was looking for someone to gift 
her miniature collection to. Another friend, Gloria
told me about Jo's post and I immediately sent her a message.
I am the chosen and I am overwhelmed that as I finished
this project, having me follow my love for miniatures once 
again, here was someone who I have known since her daughter
and I were friends in middle school, who I then worked with for
many years at Lady of the Sea who wants to gift me her 
collection! Saturday the boo and I will pick up these 
kits, and tools, and books all about Miniature world
and I am just so very excited! 
When you do for others, things come to you.
I don't know how I will ever thank JO enough...

1 comment:

Tiff said...

I love and miss you, Lil!! Another beautiful project!! You rock!



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