Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Shire

" I paint home portraits on slate covered with old music sheets"
Is usually my short answer to what I do as a retired nurse
who now finds herself with this new found talent of painting.
Most of my paintings are so much more as something 
beautifully odd or almost miraculous comes about more
often than not. This brings me to the story of THE SHIRE.
I have young friends I call the Barker twins.
These girls, I swear remind me of myself when I was 
their age. They both are little momma's and animated 
and we have great conversation when we speak/text.
Kristen has ordered quite a few portraits from me and
says she loves my work. Each time she picks up a piece,
she puts her name down for more portraits. Kayla,
likes to talk about as much as me but just maybe
one notch lower than I. I call them my Barker twins.
So here is the story:
A few weeks ago, Kristen' name is up once again for a painting.
I text her, "K, your name is up and I have written that it is for
your boss."
She excitedly explains that she wants that spot!
 Her Mom has lost one of her best friends just days
before from a horrible tractor accident while working on his master piece.
Yes, he owns a home he calls the Shire. He also was a single
parent for many years to his one child who now lives in London. 
In the middle of a global pandemic, she was able to get a private plane
to get as close as she could to her deceased Daddy who 
was everything to her childhood.
Then the "miracles" or coincidences started happening.
I did not know this man, he was a retired lawyer who
had his Shire moved to his land in three pieces and put his carpentry 
work to use as he was bringing the Shire back to its beautiful beginning.
With the twins history, they say after he finished law school he traveled
the World by back pack and fell in love with Paraquay and Uruguay.
He built a guest house in the image of a cajun home from the 
ground up. He tore down an old barn and gave most of the wood
to Kayla twin so she could build a stand for her baby's birthday.
From the minute I got the text, and then the photos, I was deep into 
this project. I studied all the most beautiful photos of the home  
and felt like this man was with me from the beginning.
I even felt like I could see his shadow in the windows of the photos he sent.
Along with the photos I used to paint the Shire, I also taped up a photo
of himself, and his daughter, Jessica when she was young for inspiration.
Yet, as I began, I felt he was making sure I got it right as it was going
to be a gift for the woman he loved, his baby girl.
This home, this estate was beautiful, the work he
was doing here was phenomenal.
Sometimes I felt his hand led my work.
I love every home I paint and as I have said before, because I pray
for the family I am painting for and asked many questions,
many special things come to pass my work. it is far more than
just a painting. However, this one had me feeling I was not
the one in control of this piece.

As I was finishing up ideas began to come into my head,
"Add a very small photo of he and his daughter when she was young."
"Wood burn a piece of the barn wood to say 'THE SHIRE'"
Paint his dog in the front of the house,
"Paint a carving in the tree that says Papa loves J".
I looked at the songs I picked, two hymns about love
and the middle one I tore out of a Led Zepplin music book
A poem I had called  THIS IS MY FATHERS WORLD
and it was so fitting to this man I never met that I had to add 
it along with a love letter to the back of the slate.
It was then time to show the Barker twins my finished project:

Just like they always do, they praised my work and could not wait to
gift it to this grieving daughter, Jessica.
I was nervous, I was excited, I could not wait for her reaction.

Yes, I cried watching this, yes I want to meet this daughter
whose Daddy loved her to pieces.
Yes, I'm saddened that I never got to personally meet her Father.
But I cannot say I feel like he is a stranger as 
like i have said, he has been with me from the beginning of this project.
It was one piece, maybe the only piece I was actually saddened to finish.
As I sealed it, took down all the photos I had taped all over my work
station, I was sad about it being done.
I cannot thank the Barker twins enough for trusting me with this 
most precious gift to an only child who must be hurting in 
ways she can't even yet begin to comprehend.
I pray that as she travels back home to London, with THE SHIRE
accompanying her, she places it in a place where she can be
comforted on those hard days. I pray that it is comfort it brings
always. I ask that you all remember this story and remember this 
family that did not loose their loved one to Cover-19, but to 
something that he just loved doing, remodeling his beautiful 
Shire. May he rest In Peace.
Thanks again, Barker twins, I love you two to pieces!


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