Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beauty is not what you see in the mirror

This morning, on Facebook, a friend of mine
posted this from another site.
Says so much, so much that I would want my grandgirls
to know, believe.
Yesterday having spent a few hours with JOJO,
the sweetest, most complimentary 4-year-old
I know, I have no doubt she will
be "that girl"

It also reminded me of something I used to tell my
own babies when they were growing up,
being hard on themselves because of maybe
a bad grade or being grounded.
"When your time comes to meet the Big Man
after this life, he will not ask you
What grades did you make, were you pretty?
Instead, he will ask, were you good and kind,
did you take opportunities to be good to others?"
Truthfully, it is in those ways that make you 
more beautiful than 'the others in the room'.
As I grow older, more wrinkles in site,
discoloration of my once even skin tone,
I still feel prettier than I ever have in the past.
Why? I think it has to do with living a peaceful, happy life.
Content is where I am and always trying to be the
best person I can be. To pay it forward whenever
I can. To do for others, help others when the opportunity
arises and always try to leave someone with some type
of positive comment. 
I am far from perfect, forget and often get stuck inside my own life.
 However, one day with JOJO and she will
 remind me of just how important compliments can be.

"Oh Mumsie, I love this kitchen"
"Mumsie, I love you so much"
"Mumsie you are so pretty even with your wrinkles"
(have I said she is honest as well.....)
I say to others if you ever having trouble with self-confidence,
spend a day with JOJO and your 
confidence will be restored.
Beware, she loves to talk, like her Mumsie
but the things that come from her little heart and soul 
are worth hearing all she has to say.
Go forth and "be pretty"

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