Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Our Bean turns 8!

Our Jillian Grace turns 8 today, 8!!!!!!
Seems like just yesterday that we were blessed with her.
Above, her baby pics and one of her and my Mom on
their first visit. Mom lived another two years after this photo was taken

these two with her parents who were smitten with their first born.

What do I want to say to my first Grandgirl on her 8th birthday...
So much that my thoughts are jumbled.
Jillian came to us at a time that I needed a distraction
from the marriage, I was in and that was not good.
She was a pleasure to us all and it was because
of her I found myself wanting to be in Plaquemine all the time.
Our bond is a lovely one. She loves the Cottage, having
been the one to name it.
As we drove near it the first time I showed it to her she exclaimed,
"Mumsie, it looks just like the cottage on Goldilocks and
the three bears!" and Mumsie's Cottage was born.
I am biased so excuse me while I brag on my oldest grandgirl:
She is beautiful and sweet,
dramatic (like her Mumsie lol)
smart, understanding things not many 2nd graders understand.
She is a teachers dream, following the rules, never
getting in trouble. Loves her family especially her baby sisters.
Loves all her grandparents and is affectionate to us all.
Sometimes I think, because she was the first, around mostly adults
for the first two years of her life
has an adult vocabulary but still a child when it comes to playing.
She loves crafts, painting, miniatures,
all those things I adore.
In a few weeks, she and her friends, who will be staying at her
house for a sleepover will come to the cottage for a
Mumsie's Cottage craft as she is just so proud of 
what I do. I could go on and on about this child
of ours. Yet, I don't want to bore followers while
singing her praises.
I have to add, that for everything that makes her special
to us, there is another thing that reminds us that she
is a typical child as well. 
She, being ours makes her that "special" I speak of.
All the grandgirls have that influence on us all.
I will close with one last thing:
When the boo built the lemonade stand for her and her sisters,
she began to brainstorm a name. Because Boo worked for 
a company called double J, she thought Triple J would
be proper as she and her sisters' names are all J's.
Hence the name of the stand. However, she has carried
this name through all aspects of their lives,
calling themselves the Triple J's.
A few weekends ago, all three of the grandgirls spent the whole
night. That next morning on my chalkboard, I was happy 
to see she had made changes to her earlier writing
from "Two of the Triple J's were here"
That is our Bean.
Happy 8th year on Earth my sweet girl,
we are the lucky ones!

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