Tuesday, August 28, 2018


I am not a political person, honestly, I
know as much about politics as I do about Geography and
what road I am on. Da Boo can testify on the latter part.
Many either loved John McCain or disliked him
because of decisions he has made or supported.
Yet, for me, having read a little bit about his life,
He deserves this recognition that I choose to write
of in my blog.

My wanting to write this blog has nothing to do with
his political seats he has kept but more of the story of
his tragic Vietnam War stay.
Having a brother who left a part of himself in Vietnam,
just the fact that John McCain came home alive
is a miracle!
I don't know the specifics of how his plane came down in 
Vietnam territory, again my lack of history and not wanting
to know more than I need.....
However I do know he was captured with extensive injuries
and was basically left to die from those injuries.
From what I have read, my interest sparked by the 
story, once the captors found out his Father was
an Admiral they took him to a hospital and he was allowed
some treatment. At that time, they offered him release.
It is written that the Viet's were going to use his release
to shun he and his father, but that was not to happen.
Because knowing the laws of this War and that prisoners
were to be release in the order they were captured, he
refused the offer of freedom. Can you imagine,
being held prisoner, abused, starved, tortured,
in pain and turning down the chance to be back on US soil 
because it was "not your turn".
I don't know if I could have been that strong.
He stayed there I believe for almost another 5 years,
being released in 1973.
As if this was not enough, enough for his Country,
He wanted back in and in 1974, barely passing the physical 
he went back in the Military.
I knew none of this when hearing of his passing.
I did hear that he was going to stop treatment for
his brain cancer. Honestly I do believe he should not have
gone back to his Political seat after becoming ill
but again, I don't know enough about politics to discuss this.
I only know this, My admiration for a man I knew little 
of has grown 100 fold. Regardless of what he was 
in the eyes of the Big World,
to his family, he was just Dad and Husband,
Grandfather and loved.
RIP John McCain.
Your family has lost you but your 
love and legacy shall follow their broken hearts
and pull them through this time of sorrow to
remember all the good you were to them all.                                             

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