Friday, August 10, 2018


A blog about School Days does not sound very interesting,
and it may not be for you.
This one is for me, for Memory's sake.
It seems like  just yesterday our little Bean 
was graduating from St. John's "yellow shirts"
which means 4 yr. Pre K and Kinder was next.
Today she begins second grade.....
Tuts, goes into yellow shirt 4 yr. program
and our baby Jemma,
blue shirt 3 yr. program on Tuesday!
And I ask what so many ask at this time of the year,
something that you see all over Facebook, Instagram...
Where did the time go?
Yet, we all know time will not stop and
my sweet grand girls will continue to move through 
the years and just like my own kiddo's,
before we know it, they will be graduating.
For today, let me slow down....
and you girls, slow down!

(Bean getting her one of many "Diploma's" to come)
(This was Baby Boy's face that meant "You better behave"
or "let me make someone laugh because i am bored...")
(Their fly picture on that day... look how little they all are)

(maw maw and cousin Lizzie, who is three weeks younger than Bean)
So I say, today, have a great year my grand girls!
A big one for Bean as she will make her communion 
this year. JemJem, our baby, going to St. John is surreal.
Time really does fly when referencing little children.
On Wednesday morning, as the girls awakened one
at a time, I rocked each of them.
Bean was first. I talked to her about how big
she was getting and how proud I am that she is 
so smart and a good student and that I was going to rock
her for as long as she let me.
I know soon these times will be over as her sleep overs
will be with friends, she will be a teen and Mumsie and 
the cottage just won't be as cool anymore.
Next was Tuts, my coffee milk drinker.
I rocked her for a bit and then Coffee milk 
with her Mumsie in her special little cup.
I love our morning coffee dates when she sleeps over.
Then our baby Jemma,
not a morning gal.
she let me rock her for about 5 mins. and then
she wanted
"Springles and Jib jab"
I substituted Pringles for fruit loops
and we all sat on the round chair for a couple of
Jib Jab dances on my computer.
BE Still My Heart and stop the
process of growing up!
It being my birthday morning made it
for a perfect day and as school starts
and they all get a year older in school,
I am so very proud of each of them!                                                         


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