Sunday, May 1, 2022

Hugh John Plaisance

 Our family is extremely fortunate and blessed.

For many reasons, one being although we are an extremely big family

we have found a way to stay very close.

We also have not lost many young people in our immediate family.

People in our family grow old and die and while we know this is what 

is supposed to happen in our time here on Earth,

we also know we will miss them tremendously.

So loosing my 24 year old nephew, Hugh John is not natural to us.

I am sure its not natural to any family to loose one of their young,

but for us, I cannot remember a time when I sat in a church to bury a child from our village.

With that being said, what a heartbreaking yet most beautiful thing

to watch so many of our extended families, friends, 

and the Plaisance family

come out to give us all comfort in a time that has been so unreal to us all.

The teachers and friends of Hugh and his siblings who have been there

in support of their family has been no less than awe-inspiring.

  I can't say enough, that this boy and his

parents and siblings did everything, everything to be well.

He wanted this life to be good for him if not amazing.

He and his parents searched treatments, counselors, inpatient help,

He tried everything to lift the hand of depression from his life.

Yet, like his Uncle, Father Justin shared with us all in his homily,

Hugh was sick and our God would never be angry about the fact that

the illness of depression called him home to his Savior.

God tells us when weathering the storm becomes too much

God will carry us. Hugh could no longer weather the storm

so he went to his God who he knew could carry him through.

There are no words I can say to ease the pain of Rebecca, Mikie"s and their children.

There is no amount of comfort I can give to my sister and to Miki's family.

I only know that if my pain and feeling of loss is this great for Hughbee

I can't imagine what theirs is.

Our families love deep, very deep....

So when we loose one of our tribe, our people, it hurts,

to the point that I personally think in this time of crisis,

I won't love that deep anymore, it hurts too much.

Yet, its not what this Aunt Lil does, what this Mumsie does.

Today 6 days later, I know my purpose and place in this family

what is expected of an Aunt Lil who loves the way I do.

I put my big girl panties on and I try to be there for as many of them as I can.

whether it be a card, a text, a phone call.

Now more than ever I want all my "youngen's" to know,

I will help you weather any storm. just call. 

RIP my dear Hughbee you will be so missed but 

we all feel comfort knowing your pain, this illness is gone now.

Life will never be the same again but because of you, we will

"Love deeper, speak sweeter and give forgiveness we have been denying...

We will live like we are dying"

Just as you did.

(Thanks everyone, EVERYONE who came to our and the Plaisance

family aid during this time, I hope you know how this has carried us all through this)

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