Sunday, May 15, 2022


I have painted many a Cardinals for others
but I had never had my own Cardinal experience myself.
It is believed that when these beautiful red birds appear,
it is a visitor from heaven, a loved one is near.
After having lunch with Hughbee and sisters and niece
I stopped to buy a bird feeder for my studio window.
I always had so many squirrels and birds there and I knew I would
enjoy watching them as I painted.
I cleaned my window and hung it up, filled it with birdseed...
and waited, and waited.....
Yep, I waited some more.
I was discouraged. Not a bird or squirrel in site.
Two weeks passed, not a one.
Then Hugh died.
I was upset, distraught, so sorry for my family 
especially my sister, brother in law, and Hugh's immediate parents and siblings.
I did what always gives me comfort, I went into the studio to paint.
Tried to put some sense into our loss.
First I heard it, a singing bird, then I saw it, the most beautiful red Cardinal
singing away on my fence!
One single bird, not another inside. I sat in awe.
Thinking well this has been an experience, while the whole time I thought of Hugh.
It did not end there, this Cardinal had a sense of humor
Just like our Hugh. He would fly away right when I cam to take a photo
or video, and when I got back into my painting he would repeat the cycle.
Sometimes even hitting on the glass with his beak.
It took a few encounters before he would sit on the birdfeeder
but eventually he did and would sing and eat.
Again each time I picked up my phone, to get footage,
he flew aways. This process lasted for days.
The day after Hughbee's funeral, I got him on camera.
A video to be exact.

I had to retell the story many times as I am a believer
of when things like this happen to you, it is meant to be shared.
Moving forward to last weekend, I had JoJo, Lillian and Violet 
over for a sleep over. As we sat in the studio making art I told them
the story about the Cardinal and showed them the video.
Then in true fashion, as we all got busy once again,
we heard the tap on the glass, the singing of my Cardinal.
Allowing these little girls to believe and know that when a Cardinal 
is seen, a visitor from Heaven, a loved one is near.


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