Friday, April 8, 2022

Terrebonne/ Ledet home

This sweet couple here?
Introducing Sybil and Lloyd Ledet.
A power couple of our  home town whom I have known my entire life.
Sybil's Mom and my Mom were besties when they were children
and this friendship lasted all the way into their 90's when they both passed away.
This couple were entrepreneurs, never afraid to take on a new project,
a new job. But just like our Southern culture,
when her Mom became sick, they packed up everything and moved 
back home to Golden Meadow, in her childhood home to care for her Momma.
Hence, the home you see here in this portrait.

I went to school with their two children and because our Mom's
were best friends, we have always been involved with them.
When Lavelle, their daughter asked me to paint their home
many memories of growing up near the Ledet's came resurfacing.
This sweet little home was an honor for me to paint.
The fence lays on the right side of the home
but when asked to take this project on,
LaVelle reminded me of just how important the fence was.
Mr. Lloyd, making this property his own,
painted the fence with flowers and vibrant colors.
But it's more than just a fence.
Each time the fence needs to be repainted its a gathering of their family.
A day to relax, eat, share family stories, and paint.
The fence is beautiful but it is a symbol of family coming together
for one purpose, to love and enjoy each other.
When Ida came and so much of our Golden Meadow was torn up,
this fence withstood the test of a Category 4 storm.
I knew the fence, being put where it belongs would do it no justice.
It stood not only in the ground but also for so 
much more of what our South Lafourche area was about.
the coming together of our people to rebuild community.
My artistic heart decided this fence needed to be front and center.
Thankfully LaVelle let me go with whatever I thought was best
and this is the final piece, with Sybil and Lloyd seeing it.
Years ago, Mrs. Sybil gave me costume jewelry that belonged to her Momma.
I treasured it as it was also a piece of my Momma.
I didn't think I would be able to regift it to her on their home portrait.
All my paintings are special to me,
yet, some stand out in my heart because of the emotions it brings out in myself.
Thanks to this family for allowing me to do such a special piece,
because of our Mothers teaching us what a good bestie meant,
even before the word was a thing,
I remain friends with this wonderful couple forever.

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