Wednesday, February 3, 2021


In the last few years, I have heard and read a lot
about Chemo. brain. It interested me at the time because
when i returned to school after surviving cancer,
although my Daddy had done a great job making sure I 
could read and do simple math, I struggled in some subjects.
My siblings always had good report cards and I 
struggled in Math, History, Geography and still do.
I loved Reading, writing, spelling and was an overachiever there
but was always embarrassed about my grades
in those other subjects. Boo would say I still struggle with
directional issues. I never know where I am at.
Although this is funny, its really true, that he and I can go
somewhere ten times and I still can't tell you how to get there
and the only time I feel comfortable going anywhere is with
my trusty GPS. I now understand why before GPS I
rarely drove off the bayou and if I went to NOLA I was so proud
of myself if I made it home safely. 
All that explanation to say, Covid Brain seems to be something
like chemo. brain.
Every day is so much better than the day before but my mind
is not right. Some would say my brain has never been right lol.
Yesterday, was one of those Covid brain moments.
Two days ago I went to the bank, made a deposit and at
my bank you have to give your account card and your 
drivers license which I did.
Yesterday, I went to the pharmacy and when I open my wallet
I realize my drivers license is not there.
I begin to wonder where in the heck it could be.
I am very conscientious about returning things where they go
right when I am done with them so not having my
drivers license there shakes me up a bit.
I realize I must have left it at the bank, so I drive up to
the window and I explain my dilemma.
The teller begins searching all the places they put things
people forget to no avail. She was the teller who had helped me
and she says she is almost sure she returned it to me.
"I don't even have my deposit slip..."
She feels bad, I feel frantic, she leaves to go look in
another spot. I finally think, well let me look in my car,
and low and behold, there is my bank envelope in the
pocket of my car door along with my drivers license and 
my bank account paper AND my deposit slip.
Embarassing to say the least......
I have to wait for my poor teller to come back to the window
from wherever she is searching to tell her I found it in my car....
Soooo unlike me.
"I found it, I am so sorry...."
She seems as relieved as I am.
What else can I say? My bad? Covid Brain? 
No, she knows I have been sick,
" I appreciate you"
my mantra....
Covid Brain, a real thing.
Happy Day friends. 


World According to Tie said...

This is an everyday occurance in my life. I blame it on my brain tumor and radiation... Lol

World According to Tie said...

This is an everyday occurance in my life. I blame it on my brain tumor and radiation... Lol


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