Thursday, February 13, 2020

Weather persons OR Whether persons.

I know it has to be a challenge to try and
make sense of weather changes, especially in 
South Louisiana. You can go from a thick, lined coat
one hour, to shorts the next.
I get it, its hard.
Yet, Weather people, well they go to college to 
be able to read these computer readings 
that are probably printed for them in the morning.
On Tuesday they announced the terrible weather
coming, Possible tornado's, hard rains, thunder.
All the alerts were posted for the cold front.
We were going to go from 70 something degrees,
to the 40's over a few hours.
So I await the bad weather. 
David came in yesterday so I knew he would be
traveling in this stuff so I reminded
him to be careful, "It's going to be bad"...
.... and it wasn't. The wind blew, there were drizzles,
and this morning, Evidently we missed the hit.
There was little rain, nothing serious and
this morning it is quite cooler.
So much for all the warnings, lol.
Really this is not a complaint post,
it is all a set up to something Dad used
to say when we were younger and watching the news.
"Lil, you know why they call them weather men?"
Nope Dad...
"Because they never know whether it was going to rain,
snow, be sunny...."
OH my Dad, sometimes he cracked the best little sayings
to make him laugh, telling it with a straight face.
I must be lonesome for this Dad of mine!
Enjoy the cooler weather my friends,
we don't know whether it will be here tomorrow!

1 comment:

World According to Tie said...

My favoriate thing he use to say... He never said the words "Thank you!" His words were "When you grow up I will dance with u at your wedding." I miss him so much and I hope that I have made him proud.


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