Sunday, February 9, 2020

smart phones and texting...

I may be known as the Worlds Worst Texter, 
if there is such a thing.....
Or the World's best...
I am a fast typer, so texting comes easy to me,
what does not come easy is that because
I do it quickly. most of my words are not typed 
correctly and auto correct changes my words.
My speed may be why I may be the best at it,
but not rereading my texts makes most of them
something the receiver has to try and guess what I am saying.
If you have texted with me for a while,
you get used to the fact that
"living" Is "Loving"
"live" is "love"
I mean I know where the letters are but why
indeed is the I right next to the O???
So when I text "I live you"
know I am saying I love you....
It's a curse and a blessing this auto correcting
and being my friend with whom I text to.
I know my two besties, Laurie and Ann secretly have
to laugh about how they have to always guess what I
am trying to say. Because they are my besties,
they also know I probably have not read all their texts
before my own answer making my text probably
not making sense to the new topic at hand for which
they change often. ('live' you

David, being my newest text friend,
rarely asks what I am trying to say, he just reads those
long texts and tries to figure out what I am saying.
Probably because he is too polite to say,
"What the hell are you trying to say?"
Last week though, there were texts we were sharing 
back and forth, an important topic to us,
and he actually had to say,
"I did not understand that last text"
Kudo's to you David for admitting that. 
My answer back to him....
"My smart phone is so smart it knows what I want to say
even when i don't" 

So that is my analogy of my texting talent.
If you can figure out what my smart phone tells me I am
saying, you are smarter than my phone.
BUT, if you have the courage to say,
"I do not know what the heck you are saying"
Well, that makes you one brave soul.
All kidding aside, I apologize to all of those with whom 
I text regularly for not reading what I am sending before 
I press that "send" button.
My goal from now on is to try and slow down a tad,
reread before sending and maybe, just maybe,
I will try and readALL the texts that come before my 
own so that at least the context will be correct
as my Smart  phone continues to figure me out.
Patience is the key when dealing with my terrible texting habits.
Love y'all.....

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